[Guide]: Basic Templates for New Players (Part 2) 2/2
The mount that we will carry for our mage must be an Ethereal Mounts, this type of mounts are summoned when we need it and when we don't, it is in statue form in our backpack, they are necessary for our mage, the reason is because when we perform adventures such as Champion Spawns, we go transformed with the Wraith Form spell of Necromancy, we summon a Wisp with the Summon Familiar spell also from Necromancy and two Energy Vortex summons from the Magery skill or other summons that complete the 4 free slots that are left over according to the needs of the situation, making a total of 5, wisp + other summons, which is the total of available slots.
These types of mounts can be obtained through the Veteran Rewards system, through other players or by purchasing them in-game at the UO Store, as is the case of the Charger of the Fallen mount.
The race I recommend to be Elf for its advantages as I indicated in the other templates in Part 1.
The basic Stats will be 100 STR, 25 DEX and 100 INT, in the same way that DEX plays a crucial role for a fighter because it affects his healing speed with bandages and his attack speed or in Parrying his ability to parry successfully, among others, INT will determine the mana we will have as a base, the damage that will affect our enemy in certain spells, as it happens with Magery's Mind Blast spell, the mana regeneration we will receive for the Meditation skill and the ability to concentrate on meditating.
I recommend regarding DEX in a mage that is not less than 25, in fact, it would be ideal with some armor property to have a Dexterity Bonus of at least +5, being a total of 30, the reason for this comes because in particular in the facet of Felucca if we have a very low stamina and we receive a blow or achievement of offensive spells that leave us without stamina, we will stay still without being able to move, this situation would endanger our life, Although we could use Magery's Teleport spell to escape, it is still a risk and we must avoid this type of situation.
In the same way that I said in the first part that a fighter should carry potions, a mage is also recommended to carry potions even being a PvM game type (Player VS Monster), the reason is because although a mage can carry active the spell Protection de Magery, there may be emergency situations where a healing to remove large poison or regenerate stamina with a potion of Total Refreshment, can be key to survive in difficult situations.
How this template should be used in certain situations will be explained in Part 3 of this guide.
With this combined template of magical disciplines you will be a perfect help to be able to face both powerful enemies and hordes of enemies that can be found in Champion Spawns.
The figure of the mage is essential in any adventure, his role in teamwork can become offensive for the enemies as defensive for our allies, providing beneficial spells and healing at critical moments that can determine the fate of a battle, thus being a fundamental pillar in our adventure.
A mage skilled in the magical arts can be the most dangerous adversary that one can find on his way.

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