[Guide]: Basic Templates for New Players (Part 1) 1/2

mismis Posts: 119
edited October 8 in Skills and Stats

NOTE: This guide is oriented for new or inexperienced players, it provides basic but essential data to get started, advanced templates and variants are omitted and are adjusted according to the needs of each player.

From the beginnings of Ultima Online in the late 90's to the present, this game has implemented new abilities that players from back then, if they were to return today, would be unaware of.

The purpose of this guide is not only for returning players, but also for new players and new generations joining this great adventure.

For this, I will show a series of basic templates that later and according to the needs of each one, will be adapted over time, but while they will serve to move and defend themselves in this charming and at the same time inhospitable (for all those evil creatures that will try to kill you) world of Sosaria.

I will show 2 basic groups, Combat and Magic:

  • Combat

I will focus this group with Archery, Fencing, Mace Fighting and Swordsmanship (I omit Throwing because I want to focus on these templates):

Melee type:

Melee (Fencing, Mace Fighting or Swordsmanship of the player's choice) 120

Tactics 100

Anatomy 100

Healing 100

Parrying 100

Focus 100

Resisting Spells 100

Total: 720 points

The melee skill I recommend 120, the higher the level the more chance of hitting the target, that's why I recommend 120 points.

Tactics, besides being essential to be able to execute special moves along with the main combat skill, is the one that will give us more damage to each hit.

Anatomy is another key skill for a fighter, as this skill is key along with Healing to establish how much life he will be able to recover for each bandage, at the same time that this skill will bring a damage increase to each hit as it happens with Tactics.

This skill must be at 100 for a fighter, as it provides a + 5% damage bonus when it is equal or higher than 100.

Healing is the skill that will help us to be able to heal ourselves and even heal or resurrect other players, as I explained in Anatomy, this skill along with Anatomy will determine how much life will be recovered per bandage.

Parrying will allow us to block the physical blows we receive and is one of our essential tools of our adventure with this template, when you are at level 100 or higher, you receive a 5% hit parry bonus.

Focus is like mana for a mage, this ability will allow us to regenerate mana and stamina, which is essential and necessary for both special moves and attack speed, because if our stamina is reduced, our attack speed will be reduced.

Resisting Spells will allow us to reduce the curses that our enemies cast on us, thus reducing the % of duration time and % of curse received, as is the case of Blood Oath, a Necromancy spell that can be cast by the enemy, in this case, Resisting Spells will reduce the % of damage to receive from this spell.

It will also prevent us from being paralyzed by many enemies, something crucial, because if they are paralyzed they will be able to cast spells combined with explosion and other offensive spells that in that paralysis you will barely have time to react, with level 100 you will endure any paralysis of level 4 creatures that manifest in the Champion Spawn, such as Daemon, Succubus or Lich Lord whose maximum Evaluating Intelligence level is 100, therefore it is completely leveled, being a paralyze spell 0 seconds, that is to say, it does not paralyze.

Range type:

Archery 120

Tactics 100

Anatomy 100

Healing 100

Chivalry 100

Focus 100

Resisting Spells 100

Total: 720 points

Archery shares the same explanation as I said in melee, the higher the level the more chance of hitting the target, that's why I recommend 120 points.

The rest is the same except that Parrying is replaced by Chivalry.

Chivalry is an ability that will help us through spells to heal ourselves (although we mainly use Healing), remove poison, remove curses, teleport to a certain place using for example a runebook, among others, but the main key of this ability focuses on the increased damage that can be directed towards a type of enemy, consecrate the weapon to receive a hit increase, additional damage and attack to the lowest resistance of our enemy, and draw a divine fury that will give us additional damage increase %, attack speed and hit chance but as a disadvantage in this spell, it will reduce our DCI (Defense Chance Increase), but with some enemies that only attack melee, it does not matter, because we attack at a distance.

In the melee template the Chivalry skill was not added because I wanted to make it basic, giving value to Focus as an integral part of a melee fighter, the main disadvantage of that template is that you will depend mainly on Mages to travel from one place to another fast, having them to open portals or use runebook with recharges, that to recharge we will need scrolls of the Recall spell to add them to the runebook. As I explained at the beginning, they are basic templates to take a reference, that later each one will change according to their needs.

The substitution of total or partial Focus by Chivalry, if the player decides to do so, I recommend that it be at least 80 of Chivalry because when casting the Consecrate Weapon spell it provides 100% chance of success in each hit at level 80, and the solution to omit Focus is through armor that provides SR (Stamina Regeneration) and MR (Mana Regeneration) in conjunction with a weapon that has HML (Hit Mana Leech) and HSL (Hit Stamina Leech). Also add about the Consecrate Weapon spell that from 90 skill, for every 2 points above 90 it does a 1% damage bonus, being at 100, an additional 5%.

These basic Combat templates will provide the adventurer with a great challenge for many enemies, but for that we will also need a basic armor and weapon according to this adventure.

The basic armor we will need, not using artifacts, will be a varied armor that includes HCI (Hit Chance Increase), DCI (Defense Chance Increase), HPR (Hit Point Regeneration), SR, MR, LMC (Lower Mana Cost) 40% (total) and resistances at 70, combined between different pieces of equipment, but the most key factor is LMC at 40%, as this property is necessary for the special moves we will need for our attacks, as it reduces their mana cost.

The jewelry must have DI (Damage Increase), HCI, DCI, SSI (Swing Speed Increase) and Dexterity Bonus as basic.

The shield of our melee fighter must have SSI, HCI and DCI as basic.

Regarding weapons, knowing what basic properties the weapon has to have will be indicated in Part 3, where basic concepts such as knowing the lowest resistances of our enemies and which group they belong to (Superslayer & Slayer) will also be explained.

All this can be found in the loot of the enemies that throughout our adventure we will get, through runic tools, through the skill of Imbuing or buying from other players.


Continued 2/2

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