Last Year's Halloween House Competition Winners Reward

Did anyone get their reward for this yet? I'm still waiting... a few more grey hairs creeping into the beard. Good times. 


  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PsycoderPsycoder Posts: 26
    edited October 2024
    It is my understanding that you guys will never get your rewards. Some people speculated that, Community Manager misunderstood his/her responsibilities and offered the rewards without consulting Mesanna. Then Mesanna said no.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Psycoder said:
    It is my understanding that you guys will never get your rewards. Some people speculated that, Community Manager misunderstood his/her responsibilities and offered the rewards without consulting Mesanna. Then Mesanna said no.
    This has always been my theory be nice if @Mesanna stepped up and took responsibility instead of leaving @Community Manager hanging..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    @Community Manager when you reply to other threads and ignore this it just makes it worse... @Mesanna let's not just keep trying to sweep under the rug isn't it time for a New Legacy..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PsycoderPsycoder Posts: 26
    edited October 2024
    FYI, @Mariah or @Rorschach deleted my reply above. My reply did not contain any insult or broke any of the forum rules.. Those mofoing dumb mofos are asking for it again.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Psycoder said:
    FYI information, @ Mariah or @ Rorschach deleted my reply above. My reply did not contain any insult.. Those mofoing dumb mofos are asking for it again.
    Calling Mesanna a narcissist is insulting her swearing just as bad stay calm and focused ask for answers email Mesanna directly reach out to the media covering NL ...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PsycoderPsycoder Posts: 26
    edited October 2024
    McDougle said:
    Calling Mesanna a narcissist is insulting her swearing just as bad stay calm and focused ask for answers email Mesanna directly reach out to the media covering NL ...
    Lol, are you for real? 

    Mesanna and I exchanged probabl 6-10+ emails so far. She refused to take action after asking me for proof and making me work 3-5 hours gathering it. In the email, she also admitted that things were looking suspicious. Guess what? They are looking suspicious because this player has been caught red handed by other players while using an exploit.

    Calling narcissist people narcissist is not an insult. It is called reality. I did not swear at her or anyone in the now deleted post. I can also point you 50+ posts on this forum where people called her narcissist and they did not have their posts deleted. Why do you think GMs deleting posts that are criticizing Mesanna is different than Elon Musk deleting posts that criticize Trump on twitter?

    I feel bored, let's have another rage filled back and forth... Tell me something to trigger me, pretty please with sugar on top..

    And here is my media reach out:

    It seems like some players signed an NDA with BroadSword to help with things here and there. And those players are immune to enforcement from the GMs/Devs/Etc.

    Here is an ex BroadSword employee, confirmed by Mesanna herself, that says that this is true. Employees and other players under NDA engage in exploits and the management/devs look the other way:

    "And yes, I know of at least 1 GM who was also a prominent rares collector and gold seller. Bonnie was aware of this."

    "Realtor was caught multiple times abusing the advisor program to script IDOCs, things Bonnie was made aware of and had swept under the rug. "

  • Give 'em hell Psycoder!
  • PsycoderPsycoder Posts: 26
    edited October 2024
    Give 'em hell Psycoder!

    Lol, and here I thought this friday would be a chill one. All I said was Mesanna was a narcissist and she would keep doubling down once she said no rewards for Halloween decorations. Therefore expecting the rewards after 1 year was futile.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Did anyone get their reward for this yet? I'm still waiting... a few more grey hairs creeping into the beard. Good times. 
    Forgetting all the drama - which is a lot of fun by the way.

    I'm not into insulting the Team, they are doing an amazing job, I know things can be frustrating.

    Onto the actual topic itself - I think the OP did enter this ingame competition in good faith, and he has a genuine passion for this side of the game. I think he should be honoured somehow, this should be resolved?
  • EgglettEgglett Posts: 12
    For some of the winners it took time - gold and x-fers to get the gear and do the decoration. Then to be told please be patient by the CM, Wait a year and lets face it be blanked. Someone needs to make this right, or Hold there hands up and say We / I F**** up your not getting anything now deal with it, But to have nothing said is poor I thought having a CM was to stop this poor communication thing from happening not to create more Drama.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    This is not on the CM I don't think anyone disputes the theory that the new CM did something without Mesanna permission angering her. Everyone needs to post here (respectfully) email Mesanna contact ask for them to post about it.  again @Mesanna isn't it time for a New Legacy!
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • EgglettEgglett Posts: 12
    edited October 2024
    That's why I said hold there hands up. If Mesanna  didn't sanction it, I can see how she may feel it's not my problem (Which it has now become)
  • LestatLestat Posts: 35
    Lets hope good and thought she was busy.

    @Mesanna we are still waiting, thanks. 
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    Psycoder said:
    It is my understanding that you guys will never get your rewards. Some people speculated that, Community Manager misunderstood his/her responsibilities and offered the rewards without consulting Mesanna. Then Mesanna said no.
    This doesn’t make sense to me. And I have to believe it’s completely untrue. Having corresponded with Mesanna after the stupid dust up, where some were sour over who did and didn’t win, she encouraged me to claim my prize and not let the gripes people voiced dissuade or discourage me. 

    As to why there was no follow through I don’t have the foggiest idea. I just know it shouldn’t land on the CM’s shoulders. The contest was supposed to include some sort of house sign or plaque of some sort for the houses that won.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    If it's untrue and you spoke with her about it why can't she be bothered to officially address the issue her I'm the dark lady it's my way or the highway attitude needs to change let's start a New Legacy today..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
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