EM Event Schedule | October 2024

EM NihilEM Nihil Posts: 269Event Moderator

Here’s the event schedule for October

Main Event - Royal Spy | Missing Trophies

Friday, October 4th, 10PM KST (GMT+9)

Meeting Place: Trammel, Britain EM Hall

Agent Daria and Reynard successfully escaped from the Wrong. However, even Reynard doesn’t know who’d got the fragment of the World Gate. They’re heading to the Royal Spyhouse to meet Spymaster.


Please do not cast mass spells causing lag except for combat purposes. It causes too much lag for the others and EM as well to proceed with the event scenario and may delay the event.

Please do not cast gate travel to anyone nearby that may lead the others accidentally get into. I’ve witnessed someone who did this on purpose multiple times, and such action shall not be tolerated in the future.

If EM witnesses inappropriate actions including the above, EM will deal with them; not just pause the event and warn them but also report to GMs to take care of.

**Event Chat Channel - Balhae EM Event

Make sure that you’re in the correct chat channel to miss any words from EM!

Mini Event - High Sea Fishing Contest

Friday, October 18th, 10PM KST (GMT+9)

Meeting Place: Trammel, Britain EM Hall

Anyone who interested in fishing is welcome! Vesper fisherman guild is hosting a contest for fishermen! Don’t disappointed yet, they have prepared something more for those who aren’t as well but you better be good at fighting skill to confront creatures from deep sea!

Big Fish Contest

Show us your biggest big fish you ever fish! The one who catches biggest big fish shall be remembered whole year! Until the event day, you can add reply your biggest big fish as a record and everyone compared to the others. At the event day, show your big fish to prove it and the one who proves most biggest big fish shall win!

Live Fishing Contest

Fishermen will hop on to the ship and set sail to certain course. During the sailing, fishermen will start fishing. Each fish types have points and three fishermen who got the highest point shall win!

Danger from Deep Sea

By the end of contest, we may confront something dangerous but something worthy from the deep sea. What’s living out there? No one knows...

Governor Meeting

There’s no governor meeting this month due to we don’t have many active governors at this time. However, if you’re interested in this position and willing to do its duty, please send an email. But you must qualified for the position to be appointed. Following royal cities and citizens are awaiting governors:

  • Britain
  • Jhelom
  • Moonglow
  • New Magincia
  • Vesper

See you in Britannia.

EM Nihil

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