The Grim Road and the Approaching Evil

EM MalachiEM Malachi Posts: 63Event Moderator
Ulvol has learned that two armies from terrible fallen worlds are approaching Britannia, and there isn't time to stop them without sacrificing a powerful source of magic. 

One army is horrible demons from the Burning Pit, magical and full of malice. Another army are collected humans and humanoids from worlds that have fallen to the Other. Both are dangerous, but choosing to stop both detonates the Dark Path too close to Sosaria. This could cause a vortex of falling magical ruin across Britannia.

The King must make a choice. He has asked for your thoughts.
  1. Which would you suggest the King choose?2 votes
    1. Stop a force of powerful magical demons from the Burning Pit.
    2. Stop a large army from several fallen humanoid worlds.
    3. Stop both, but risk a natural disaster.
    4. Stop neither army, keeping the ability to modify the Dark Path in reserve.


  • Duncan sends a message to the Minister, through discrete channels

    My vote should be obvious.

    We can fight both armies with minimal casualties. We've faced worse. What we can't do is undo anything we do the Dark Path. Not keeping that in reserve just risks more casualties later.

    I think we're out of good options here, mostly through no fault of our own, but because we're a target. Fortunately we're strong and prosperous and can absorb armies and refugees a lot easier than we can absorb magical damage to the fabric of reality or physical damage to the land itself.

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