house building question

I finally did find a place to put a home, but opted for the build your own house.
I've tried a few times to do the 1st floor, and saved it. Pretty happy with it, but if I have the gold to pay for the first floor, can I build that and add to it later ?
Like change the interior walls and doors as well as add the second and third floor ?


  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    Yup. You can customize as many times as you'd like, as frequently as you'd like. I used to completely change mine at least three times a week :)
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Make sure the four corners of the second floor are supported by a column or wall on the first floor. Similarly the four corners of the third floor are supported by a column or wall on the second floor.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    you can customize any time. If afterwards you notice items missing you will have to check your moving crate. any time you change a tile where something is secured, they will be relocated there. 
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