Tinker Bods - butcher knife

These are as rare as hens teeth on Europa, are they the same on other shards?
My friend has 10 chars collecting bods every day and hasn't seen a butcher's knife bod for months.

I'd go so far as to say if anyone has a significant surplus anywhere I'd be prepared to claim a shard shield for that shard just to come fetch them, just tell me how much gold to bring with me to pay for them.


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    it is one of the rarest to get. I usually only do the NPC at either Luna or Zento. Where do you do get your bods?
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I collect mostly in Vesper, not sure where Mim gets her's.  I'll try using other towns, thanks.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    edited August 2024
    I keep track of which BoD I get from which NPC in an Excel spreadsheet. I have 9 characters  on Pacific with different skill levels visit one NPC daily for a week before moving on to the next NPC.  For the butcher's knife this is what I have collected:

    Facet Town NPC Size What Skill
    felucca britain Hal small butcher knife 100
    felucca britain Hal small butcher knife 50
    felucca Jhelom Raymond small butcher knife 50
    felucca Jhelom Raymond small butcher knife 100
    felucca Jhelom Raymond small butcher knife 50
    felucca Jhelom Raymond small butcher knife 50
    felucca Jhelom Raymond small butcher knife 50
    felucca Jhelom Teresa small butcher knife 50
    felucca minoc Joshua small butcher knife 100
    felucca minoc Joshua small butcher knife 50
    felucca minoc Joshua small butcher knife 100
    felucca minoc Jotha small butcher knife 100
    felucca serpent's hold Komor small butcher knife 100
    felucca Trinsic Carrie small butcher knife
    felucca Trinsic Carrie small butcher knife 90
    felucca Trinsic Carrie small butcher knife 50
    felucca Trinsic Carrie small butcher knife 50
    felucca vesper Eleanor small butcher knife 90
    felucca vesper Eleanor small butcher knife 100
    felucca vesper Eleanor small butcher knife 40
    felucca vesper Nona small butcher knife 50
    trammel Trinsic Earle small butcher knife 30
    trammel Trinsic Earle small butcher knife 30

    Most of the trammel Tinker NPCs have not given out a butcher knife BoD.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Thank you @TimSt that's very helpful.  I'll make myself a fel tinker shop rune book, and one for Mim while I'm doing it. :)

  • Mim here , thanks for this, very helpful. But does it need to be like this? I have 10 tinkers colecting and sometimes fill crap bods for recycling. My chars has all between 20 skill (1) to GM , most have 70. I have done this since the new craft skills came out. I collect mainly Tram and Tokuno  . Ill try Fel aswell then. They all have so many craft skills they cant have much else for transpotation etc and im not sure what happensif i go to VvV cities..guess I should find out. I think that was what made me obandon Fel collecting tbh.

  • I see i hace 15 larges filled exept the butchers, and 17 that miss butchers plus someting else..
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    For when VvV is preventing recalling into a city I use a backup rune to another city in Fel.

    What is the something else that you are missing?  I keep track of all the smalls that make up a large except for the jewels.
  • Something else is any random dining set part i miss in the last 17 and ill get pretty soon. Its the missing 32 butcher knives im concernedabout . I have 20 other started and none of thoose have a butcher knife eiter..But im collectin tinked bods in Fel now. No butchers yet but some more larges... but will stick to Fel now, Just got 90 so far so a bit early 

  • Minerva_FoxgloveMinerva_Foxglove Posts: 245
    edited September 2024
    Now I have 11 tinkers  that all collected in Fel .363 tinker bods but no butchers.. Its weird.It always was harder than the others but not like this. :(
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