17 suggestions for devs to make Ultima Online PROD server shine like a gem. (Long Thread Warning)
Heres 17 free suggestions from me for the devs to make Ultima Online PROD server shine like a gem.
Note that the points below are not in priority, just a list of things that need to be done on PROD to bring it up to 2024 and let UO continue for decades to come.
You can maybe exclude a point or two, but sooner or later PROD has to deal with it.
(Sorry for long text, but the points are needed, and its not too much text under each point, you can really discuss each point all day long, but buttom line is many things needs changed/improved/fixed) and many things have remained unchanged for over a decade or two.
1: Theres a big need for a new improved classic client to bring the game upto 2024 date. This includes eliminating the need for 3rd party app (including outdated UOAssist, build it in the game client instead)
On this list 60fps, support for new monitors, higher resolution, zoom, and more features that is in EC and not in CC. Fix the always nighsight hax and fieldhax that is currently rampant and unfair.
2: Unfortunately theres notably difficulties repopulating existing servers, thus I suggest merging of the 24existing servers to 7 new region servers, one in each continent.
Give all players an unlimited numberof Xfer tokens to use once from existing servers to the new region servers. Then delete the old servers.
Gives all a fair start to place their houses on the new region servers and the ability to xfer their items(even shard bound ones)
It would be logical to keep Atlantic and Europa as regional servers, however if you want a fair start for all, create new ones. This also gives you the opportunity to change the restricted landmass/ocean/zones in the process to better work with housing/em areas/future events/pvp strongholds.
3: Fix the outstanding bugs, this includes party system and VvV bugs.
4: PvP Balance needs, tweak the game so its more balanced in PvP, nerf OP things, improve useless things like primers that are mostly unused(because they suck).
5: Create a PvP system, if VvV is the chosen PvP system then improve it.
6: New BOD storage with books that can contain far more than 500each BOD, how about 5000, 50 000? Can be vet reward, ideally you would want 1x book for each skill, the current 500 is not enough.
7: Make the following skills usable: Item ID, Forensic eval, Herding, Taste ID, Arms lore should be tweaked furether, snooping, Camping, Tracking.
8: Update the quests from NPC, remove useless ones, update text where needed, classify if its for single player or group, updtate rewards. Some quests are impossible solo, texst should reflect that.
9: Improve the UO webside with a myUO feature like the one from the past. So players can browse guilds, factions, memebers, shards, points or w/e at their workplace when not playing.
10: Old item Cleanup, meanwhile you dont want to remove existing items, make new recipes for items that need old items as ingredient. That way aaaaall the currently useless artis like ilshenar, champ items, brit/vesper donation ones etcetc becomes useful for the recipe.
11: Cleanup EA store its a mess with usefull and useless codes confusing new/returning players. At the same time a possibility to launch a new token with more house space, additional house pr account, 8th character slot, whatever, just something that is very wanted by players and bring in alot of cash for UO to continue the next decades.
Perhaps a token that allows you to get ALL expansion packs at same time. Atleast cleanup the EA store items.
12: Update the cleanup system, perhaps a new "Cleanup Britannia part III" with exclusive rewards, like the ones two decades ago. (Theres alot of items still not added to the cleanup systems) New improved rewards, remove unused ones.
13: Gold sinks. To combat inflation you need some gold sinks, introduce some new items usefull/deco or title to drain some gold. + other gold sinks.
14: One common price for UO pr month, be it Gametimes or cc cards, one price for all no matter what country you in. By doing this you eliminate the VPN bs and you can give fair offers to ALL customers around the globe.
15: Once you done all the steps above its time to make all play OSI official servers. Delete freeshards. All freeshard/new OSI players should be given a benefit for chosing OSI and not freeshards. All rights reserved right? dont seem like it.
16: Marketing, commercials, adds, whatever just bring in new/returning players. Have an open channel with the players, newsletters, social media posts, streaming, etc Rrecruit tons of new players to the shards.
Conclusion: By having 5-7 region servers instead of 24shards as of now the players will be more concentraded and still maintain the low-lag environment by having a server near them.
This will also be better for Devs to maintain the servers, and GMs to enforce rules, and you would also need less EM moderators.
It will bring in alot of cash for UO to continue the next decades, possible with 5-7 region servers with new hardware that can host tens of thousands of players at same time.
Estaminated timeframe on all this above? Probably 10years, but atleast start! Log off that New legacy shard, its been 3 years already with PROD on autopilot.
First new lagacy needs to get done, then supported in bugfixing, then GM/EM support, then new seasonal items/events, then you shatter the shard only to make a new legacy part II with new rules and quests part II that requires a ton of devtime. It takes too much devtime, PROD players dont like it.
Thank you, together we make the game stronger!

Note that the points below are not in priority, just a list of things that need to be done on PROD to bring it up to 2024 and let UO continue for decades to come.
You can maybe exclude a point or two, but sooner or later PROD has to deal with it.
(Sorry for long text, but the points are needed, and its not too much text under each point, you can really discuss each point all day long, but buttom line is many things needs changed/improved/fixed) and many things have remained unchanged for over a decade or two.
1: Theres a big need for a new improved classic client to bring the game upto 2024 date. This includes eliminating the need for 3rd party app (including outdated UOAssist, build it in the game client instead)
On this list 60fps, support for new monitors, higher resolution, zoom, and more features that is in EC and not in CC. Fix the always nighsight hax and fieldhax that is currently rampant and unfair.
2: Unfortunately theres notably difficulties repopulating existing servers, thus I suggest merging of the 24existing servers to 7 new region servers, one in each continent.
Give all players an unlimited numberof Xfer tokens to use once from existing servers to the new region servers. Then delete the old servers.
Gives all a fair start to place their houses on the new region servers and the ability to xfer their items(even shard bound ones)
It would be logical to keep Atlantic and Europa as regional servers, however if you want a fair start for all, create new ones. This also gives you the opportunity to change the restricted landmass/ocean/zones in the process to better work with housing/em areas/future events/pvp strongholds.
3: Fix the outstanding bugs, this includes party system and VvV bugs.
4: PvP Balance needs, tweak the game so its more balanced in PvP, nerf OP things, improve useless things like primers that are mostly unused(because they suck).
5: Create a PvP system, if VvV is the chosen PvP system then improve it.
6: New BOD storage with books that can contain far more than 500each BOD, how about 5000, 50 000? Can be vet reward, ideally you would want 1x book for each skill, the current 500 is not enough.
7: Make the following skills usable: Item ID, Forensic eval, Herding, Taste ID, Arms lore should be tweaked furether, snooping, Camping, Tracking.
8: Update the quests from NPC, remove useless ones, update text where needed, classify if its for single player or group, updtate rewards. Some quests are impossible solo, texst should reflect that.
9: Improve the UO webside with a myUO feature like the one from the past. So players can browse guilds, factions, memebers, shards, points or w/e at their workplace when not playing.
10: Old item Cleanup, meanwhile you dont want to remove existing items, make new recipes for items that need old items as ingredient. That way aaaaall the currently useless artis like ilshenar, champ items, brit/vesper donation ones etcetc becomes useful for the recipe.
11: Cleanup EA store its a mess with usefull and useless codes confusing new/returning players. At the same time a possibility to launch a new token with more house space, additional house pr account, 8th character slot, whatever, just something that is very wanted by players and bring in alot of cash for UO to continue the next decades.
Perhaps a token that allows you to get ALL expansion packs at same time. Atleast cleanup the EA store items.
12: Update the cleanup system, perhaps a new "Cleanup Britannia part III" with exclusive rewards, like the ones two decades ago. (Theres alot of items still not added to the cleanup systems) New improved rewards, remove unused ones.
13: Gold sinks. To combat inflation you need some gold sinks, introduce some new items usefull/deco or title to drain some gold. + other gold sinks.
14: One common price for UO pr month, be it Gametimes or cc cards, one price for all no matter what country you in. By doing this you eliminate the VPN bs and you can give fair offers to ALL customers around the globe.
15: Once you done all the steps above its time to make all play OSI official servers. Delete freeshards. All freeshard/new OSI players should be given a benefit for chosing OSI and not freeshards. All rights reserved right? dont seem like it.
16: Marketing, commercials, adds, whatever just bring in new/returning players. Have an open channel with the players, newsletters, social media posts, streaming, etc Rrecruit tons of new players to the shards.
17: Crafting system is complex and need adjustments, new/returning players dont understand it and you have to look up guides everytime you want something crafted/reforged or refined. This system needs to be made easier to understand, however its not the first priority in this thread.
Conclusion: By having 5-7 region servers instead of 24shards as of now the players will be more concentraded and still maintain the low-lag environment by having a server near them.
This will also be better for Devs to maintain the servers, and GMs to enforce rules, and you would also need less EM moderators.
It will bring in alot of cash for UO to continue the next decades, possible with 5-7 region servers with new hardware that can host tens of thousands of players at same time.
Estaminated timeframe on all this above? Probably 10years, but atleast start! Log off that New legacy shard, its been 3 years already with PROD on autopilot.
First new lagacy needs to get done, then supported in bugfixing, then GM/EM support, then new seasonal items/events, then you shatter the shard only to make a new legacy part II with new rules and quests part II that requires a ton of devtime. It takes too much devtime, PROD players dont like it.
You cant just let PROD servers run on autopilot with a new dynamic event every 4month its killing the PROD servers. Where you think half of the new legacy players come from? Draining PROD.
Devs should be happy the players are enganged and offering solutions and tips on how to improve the game, alot of time i.e. went to make this thread, free tips. There are many Heroes of UO offering constructive critisim and tips regarding production servers.
Thank you, together we make the game stronger!

10 - 12 has been asked for many times to no avail. EA Customer Service sometimes does not know UO exists. UO does not get any items on sale. When they accidently do, players run there to buy while they can. Broadsword loses money because of these.
7. Please NO, we already have to have 800 skill templates.
Lord Nythrax Did an exceptional job explaining the ones he chose.
Thanks but no.
Players should be given, for granted, the same House they have with that location, lack or type of spawn it might have and facing (sea shore, Forest, Snow setting etc.).
That is at least how I see it.
If you get roped into a time share presentation. When they ask your dream vacation, tell them Antartica.
This would antagonize people right out of the game.
P.S. we have to adapt or we will get nothing.