[EC] Pub 117 : Longsword not seen in game window. (with imagery : pre vs. post pub 117)

Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
edited August 2024 in Bugs

So, I have noticed a couple of things going on here.

Prior to publish 117, the broadsword and longsword had different graphics in the backpack or container. The broadsword had a slightly wider blade, more pronounced guard and pommel, and gold toned hilt.

However, when you equipped the longsword, it used the broadsword graphic on the paper doll, and a weapon image (I'm assuming the broadsword graphic) appeared in the game window.

Post Publish 117, when you equip the longsword, the longsword graphic now appears on the paper doll (YEAH!!!!!). The longsword has an overall thinner blade width, less pronounced guard and pommel, and the tip extends past the center spine of the heater shield. However, no weapon appears in the character's hand in the game window.

So, can we get the longsword graphic added to the game window?

I'm being very specific here. I do not, nor do I believe others do, want to see the longsword graphic revert back to the broadsword graphic on the paper doll. It is a step forward seeing both broadsword and longsword display individual graphics on the paper doll.

However, it would very nice if we could get a graphic for the longsword to appear in the character's hand in the game window. If a specific longsword graphic for the game window exists, but isn't being called, seeing that graphic would be the ideal solution.

If a specific longsword graphic for the game window does not exist, the game window is zoomed out far enough from the models that using the broadsword graphic as the longsword graphic in the game window would probably be acceptable.

Just please, leave the two graphics (broadsword and longsword) alone in the containers and paper doll. We can now see both of them and they are actually displaying artwork which is thematically consistent, broadsword with a broader blade, longsword with a longer thinner blade, and which correlates between container and paper doll!

Thank you!


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  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited August 2024
    Well, one step forward!

    Post Pub 117 update on 23/08/24, when a longsword is equipped, a weapon appears in hand. However, the longsword graphic no longer appears on the paper doll. In fact, no weapon appears on the paper doll.

    Keep at it folks!

    I'm confident you can get this one sorted and we can see both the correct Broadsword and correct Longsword graphics in containers, on the paper doll (it'll be nice to see broadswords and longswords have their own graphics on the paper doll), and some type of weapon equipped in the game window.

    I realize that the differences between the broadsword and longsword graphics on the paper doll are subtle, but the art already exists, and those small things can really make a difference in making the game feel fleshed out and whole.

    Good luck!

    P.S. Please, please, please don't go back to calling the broadsword graphic for a longsword on the paper doll. We all know that's probably the easiest path, but we also all know you have a chance right now to get this one fixed and done!
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited August 2024
    Good news everyone!

    As of the patch on 28/08/2024, both the Broadsword and Longsword appear as different graphics in the backpack, correlating different graphics on the paper doll, and both display a weapon in hand in the game window.

    I believe this issue is now resolved. Hopefully it holds through the next patch!

    Thank you for putting in the effort to allow both the broadsword and longsword to display unique graphics on the paper doll and not just reverting to the longsword displaying the broadsword graphic. I know it may seem like a small little thing, but some of these little things matter quite a bit to some of your players.

    Anyway, thanks again for sticking with this one and getting it fixed.
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