Beta Weekend 3 info

PawainPawain Posts: 10,662

Beta Testing Weekend 3 – 8/9/2024 through 8/12/2024

  • Lycaeum Event
    • Visit the “Congiarum Coordinator” in various magical shops throughout Trinsic, Skara, and Moonglow to learn more.
  • Loot Gates & Item Enhancements
    • Through the Congiarum the collective knowledge of magical properties throughout the realm is increased, leading to more powerful magical items!
  • Quaderact
    • Grab your guildies and test your mettle against Britannia’s most challenging foes.  Visit the Promoter in taverns located in Trinsic, Moonglow, and Skara Brae.
  • Skill Customization
    • Visit Advanced Skill Trainers once you’ve completed your primary narrative lines to unlock new skill choices.
  • Titanweave Spider Encounter
  • Resisting Spells Skill Line
  • Special Pet / Rare Pet Lure
  • Divergent Path

Skill Gain, Quest Objectives, and the On-Rails Experience

In our previous Dev Diary, we talked about our plans to introduce an alternative way of experiencing New Legacy that was less focused on the main story narratives and building your character through questing, and closer to the traditional character building experience veterans of Ultima Online are familiar with.

Beta Weekend #3 will feature the first rollout of this new Divergent Path that players can follow.

The starting experience after character creation has been redesigned to offer you a choice after selecting your Surname. You can still choose to follow the Narratives and experience the stories of New Legacy as they unfold, and increase your skills through narrative quests.

Alternatively, you can now choose to opt out of the primary narrative lines. You will take an accelerated path to receive basic skills and be sent into the world to make your own way. You will still be governed by the underlying systems that make up the New Legacy experience; however, you will be increasing your skills through using them in combat instead of questing.

Here is an overview of the Divergent player choice:

  • Unlocked skills will gain through combat at an increased rate.
  • New skills can be unlocked at Advanced Skill Trainers.
  • Housing access can be purchased after acquiring 600 total skill points and completing the Orc Champion spawn. Speak to a Housing Registrar in one of the towns to learn more.
  • Raising the Resisting Spells skill still requires the completion of the repeatable quest from Master Sallumax.
  • Raising Alchemy still requires the completion of the Alchemy objective line.
  • No access to base story narratives.
  • No access to town objective skill rewards.
  • Access to advanced narrative lines, such as Taming, Barding, and Assassin, will be available in a future publish.

We encourage you to provide feedback on the Divergent playstyle.


We recognize the demand for housing and plan to allow additional housing areas associated with Britannia’s cities in a future update.  We also will be adding additional guidelines to optimize housing density.

Rangers & Tracking

We hear the feedback regarding tracking as a core skill to the ranger narrative.  We are evaluating all the required core skills and look to add additional skill choices in a future update.


There is currently an issue with mining where failure does not automatically re-initiate the mining loop.  We plan to address this in a future update.

Miscellaneous Changes & Bug Fixes

  • Players that attempt to collect an objective reward containing skill gains that do not have room for all of the skill will now collect a partial amount of the skill relevant to their skill cap.
  • There is no longer a delay on accepting Bulk Order Deed Town Objectives.
  • Defend objectives now have a larger threshold for awarding credit to those who join mid-encounter.
  • Refresh potions now have a cooldown between uses.
  • Obtain objectives no longer require you to be within a specific region when you toggle the items.
  • Hidden players will no longer always drop stealth when transitioning through dungeon levels.
  • Removed gargoyle drops from certain creatures.
  • Fixed point value of large arcanist armor BOD.
  • Allow players who unlocked Animal Taming through advanced skill training instead of the narrative objectives to access the Taming Knowledge context menu once they reach 80 skill in Taming and Lore.
  • Allow players who unlocked Animal Taming through advanced skill training instead of the narrative objectives to access advanced taming quests once they reach 80 skill in Taming and Lore. Visit the Zookeepers at the Moonglow Zoo for more information.
  • Spawn rates for objective kill areas will now scale with player density.
  • Blocked off areas of Trinsic Passage where mobs were spawning in inaccessible areas.
  • Players that fail defend objectives that are part of the narrative lines will now receive an objective guiding them on how to restart the failed objective when the failed objective is cleared from the quest objective list.
  • Adjusted descriptions of some objectives to be more clear.
  • Players should now longer see an invisible “Attack” object handler on certain defend objectives in the EC.
  • Player should no longer be able to accidentally miss the Ocllo Emissary’s quest after exiting the Moongate.
  • Shades/Wraiths/Spectres should now count as magical creatures.
  • Neira no longer drops a necromancer spellbook.
  • Certain quest objective descriptions now indicate they are a [GROUP ENCOUNTER].
  • Core skills for base archetypes have been adjusted.
  • Adjustments to the Titanweave Spider encounter.
  • Auto unlock base skills once primary narrative is completed.
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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