Bugged character: Please help

So this is the 5th time I'm trying to get some help with this after submitting tickets in-game, a forum post in the big feedback thread, a bug report via the contact page, and a direct email...

My character is hard locked on the Serpent's Hold escort quest.  I encountered a bug with the escort system that leaves me unable to rescue the last escort, and prevents me from completing the quest line and, well, doing anything else beyond town objectives.

If a GM could drop by and help, I can explain how the bug works in detail, and hopefully get this fixed.  It's been an issue since last Sunday.

My in game character's name is Nebuchadnessar.  Thank you!


  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Glad we were able to get this resolved for you.  Happy testing!
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