June 15th @ 5 pm : Treasure Hunt

EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 201Event Moderator

Once again, our intrepid Royal Archaeologist's Assistant is going dashing through forests and swamps, up hills and down trolls, shovel in hand, and map obscuring her vision, in search of treasure chests, monsters, and deep holes!

Come and join her as she digs! You could get rich! You could tame a new pet! You could be eaten alive! You could be the victim of someone else's poisoned dagger! Where else can you find so much fun?

For those who like more detail, or are thinking about coming for the first time, here's how it works:

  • The chest is dug up for you.
  • The loot is taken from the chest, and put into backpacks on the ground.
  • Please do not take the backpacks - leave them on the ground.
  • You can start taking things OUT of the backpacks as soon as the chest looting starts.
  • If you want to tame a pet, let the group know. If you don't, they will probably try to kill it.
  • Once the chest is empty, the backpacks will be taken back to the EM Hall. There, they will be locked down, with "anyone" access, and left there for a week.
  • Gates are opened from the EM Hall to the current treasure map, so you can join in or drop out of the treasure hunting group at any point, whenever suits you.
  • The hunt goes on until we run out of maps, players, or the EM runs out of stamina. (Typically well after midnight UK time)
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