Did you know that paragon hinds use recall with you?
I was walking towards a place when I saw a paragon doe chasing me, I made myself invisible from a distance, and discovered that the doe was running towards my position while invisible.
I didn't want to hurt her, but I wasn't going to let her kill me either, so I saw her reaction when she saw me, to my surprise is that she was just following me!, as if she was trying to play with me, she looked like a tamed creature.

I didn't want to hurt her, but I wasn't going to let her kill me either, so I saw her reaction when she saw me, to my surprise is that she was just following me!, as if she was trying to play with me, she looked like a tamed creature.
So I role played as if I was feeding it and later when I finished I used recall to leave and I watched with the other account its reaction when I left, to my surprise it used recall with me, but it disappeared from the world, it didn't reach my location.

Looks cute in gold.