What is your favorite armor item in UO?

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At least we have a community manager again, it's been what ~15 years since Jeremy? Be happy we have someone who's trying.
It's really not better Fenneko has done nothing for the community since being hired and is actually quite useless for the game. For a game on budget she is a waste of money
One that does not yet exist... a "container" that would hold up to 500 Armor items but count as 1 item..... an "Armoire"....
I would also like to have a Weapons' rack that holds up to 500 weapons but counts as 1 item...
We have in UO containers tp hold and stock better a variety of items, including seeds, but when it comes to the most used items in the game, Armor and Weapons, nothing...
Imagine how useful such containers could be to sort Armor and Weapons, filter them by properties...
Need to find that head piece with those resistances ? Enter the number in the container's filter paramethers and find that one piece within the 500 stored...
Same with Weapons... need to find that Slayer for Macing with a specific property ? Enter the data in the filter and find it in no time within the 500 Weapons' stored...
It would enhance UO players gameplay a whole lot yet, after 25+ Years that UO exists, we have yet to have such containers in the game...
Go figure...
@Kyronix ?
Would you wear this container on your head?