Stackable grass tiles deleted by stacking chest by Brit bank

Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
edited May 2018 in Bugs

Pacific Shard

I had a bag (bought from the provisioner) that had 8 stacks of grass tiles.

The stacks would not stack together.

I dropped the bag on the chest by the west Brit Bank that says to place a bag of grass tiles in it and it will make them stackable.

The stack quantities were something like

10, 10, 12, 14


When I opened the bag the eight stacks had been combined into 4 stacks with quantities


So, the chest basically deleted about 40 grass tiles.

Just FYI.



  • Had this happen to me not long ago but I know i couldnt prove it so I let it pass. But I wasnt happy..

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    I lost hundreds of millions on this bug 

    I posted his months ago here in anther thread never got a reply from the devs

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    Oh I’m on Pacific as well 
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    edited June 2018
    Newly created grass & snow tiles (i.e. you have the token, and redeem them now) will already stack with their matching type when put into a container after creation.  The box only works for unstackable tiles as indicated in the hover over text on the box.  There are 4 different varieties each of grass and snow tiles, and they will not stack with each other since they aren't the same type.  You should only put unstackable tiles, i.e. tiles that will not stack with an existing stack of grass/snow inside the box to convert them.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    Kyronix said:
    Newly created grass & snow tiles (i.e. you have the token, and redeem them now) will already stack with their matching type when put into a container after creation.  The box only works for unstackable tiles as indicated in the hover over text on the box.  There are 4 different varieties each of grass and snow tiles, and they will not stack with each other since they aren't the same type.  You should only put unstackable tiles, i.e. tiles that will not stack with an existing stack of grass/snow inside the box to convert them.
    Sorry this isn’t the case newly created tiles are what I had. I transferred them from Alt, over 150 tokens used and lost them all except 1 of each direction or type 
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited June 2018
    Skett said:
    Sorry this isn’t the case newly created tiles are what I had. I transferred them from Alt, over 150 tokens used and lost them all except 1 of each direction or type 

    So the box is converting an entire stack of new tiles into 1 type of the old tiles? Now what happened to my tiles makes sense.

    I bet I had stacks of 2,3,5,4 old tiles and the box converted the 4 stacks of my new tiles into one of each of the old tiles, leaving me with 3,4,6,5.

    @Kyronix, this is not a big deal to me now (since I've lost almost all my tiles), but could the box be changed so it just doesn't accept new (already stackable) tiles? Low on the priority list I recognize.......

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    You can't have a stack of "old tiles".  The fact they couldn't stack is what made them old.  All grass (and snow) tiles do not stack with one another, there are 4 different types of tiles, each slightly different which is what allows you to mosaic them and create a natural grass area as opposed to one that looks like a repeated tile.  Perhaps I'm missing something - why are you putting a stack of grass tiles into the container if they are already stackable?
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    They where not stacked I filled boxes full of tiles and went to Brit dropped them in chest and lost all but 4 of each snow tile out of boxes of 120 each

    so 120 tiles now is just 1 of each tile not stacks of each just one of each.

    they are not stacking when you claim them so you have to go to bank and drop them in chest.

    a few times it worked last year but over the last 6 or so months it’s just eats the tiles in the chest at Brit 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Kyronix said:
    You can't have a stack of "old tiles".  The fact they couldn't stack is what made them old.  All grass (and snow) tiles do not stack with one another, there are 4 different types of tiles, each slightly different which is what allows you to mosaic them and create a natural grass area as opposed to one that looks like a repeated tile.  Perhaps I'm missing something - why are you putting a stack of grass tiles into the container if they are already stackable?

    Use a token or the ones from an old reward bag. you will find they all do not stack and you could end up with 12 random stacks of grass tiles.  So you take those 12 stacks of tiles and put them in the container and hope you get 4 stacks of grass tiles.  

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094

    Kyronix said:
    You can't have a stack of "old tiles".  The fact they couldn't stack is what made them old.  All grass (and snow) tiles do not stack with one another, there are 4 different types of tiles, each slightly different which is what allows you to mosaic them and create a natural grass area as opposed to one that looks like a repeated tile.  Perhaps I'm missing something - why are you putting a stack of grass tiles into the container if they are already stackable?

    Let me retry my explanation. This would probably be better with Photoshop. I'll do my best.

    I had 14 un-stackable grass tiles. Took them to the chest in Brit, they stacked into 4 groups, with quantities of about 2,3,5,4.

    I then claimed almost 20 tokens worth of grass tiles. These automatically stacked into 4 groups with quantities of about 10,10,12,14. (They did not go to the Brit chest as they already stacked.)

    However, the groups of tiles which had been un-stackable, and had been made stackable via the Brit chest, would not stack with the groups of tiles that I had just claimed. This left me with 8 groups of tiles in a bag.

    In Grid View in the EC it looked like this:

    2 3 5 4 (Previously Un-stackable tiles taken to the Brit Chest)

    10 10 12 14 (Recently claimed tiles which stacked without being taken to the Brit Chest)

    I tried to drag and drop the individual groups onto each other, but they would not stack. (I.E. I tried to drop 2 onto 10, 2 onto 10, 2 on 12, 2 onto 14, etc.) I tried dropping groups on the container with the other 7 groups, but they still would not stack. All 8 groups of grass tiles remained separate.

    I then took the whole bag to the Brit Chest to see if the chest would merge the groups, as in 2 would stack with 10 to give a total group of 12, etc.

    In grid view in the EC I expected the result to something look like this:

    12 13 17 18

    The two groups of stackable tiles would be merged.

    Instead, the chest took the groups of grass tiles with quantities of 10 10 12 14 that I had just claimed from tokens and gave me 1 tile for each group, then stacked that tile with the smaller groups of tiles (those that had been un-stackable and I had taken to the Brit chest once already to make them stackable).

    In grid view in the EC the result looked like this:

    3 4 6 5

    All that was left in the bag was 4 groups of tiles with quantities 3,4,6,5.

    Hopefully that is a better explanation.

    Again, this is not that big of a deal to me personally, but if I can help figure out what's going on so that it doesn't happen to others in the future, that's cool.

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Thanks for the clarification.  You shouldn't put a stack of tiles inside the chest, only singular ones.  The chest was only intended to work on unstackable tiles - i.e. singular tiles that would never stack with other tiles, as indicated in the  hover over text.  The issue here is that newly created tiles are already stacking.  If you have tiles leftover prior to Publish 88 they will not stack with newly created ones unless they are all separated out individually.  Worst case is you have 8 stacks of tiles instead of 4 unless you want to  deposit a container where they are all separated out individually.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Well that is nice to know.  I thought it worked like the seed stacker and you could just put everything in and get stacks out.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited June 2018


    Thanks for the explanation Kyronix.

    I'll put a book in the bag with my grass tiles and tell myself not to do this again! 

    (Also, isn't it like midnight on a Sunday in Virginia? What are you doing up talking to us on the forum!)

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716

    So,your say if I have 100 holiday tokens and claim snow tiles they will all stack into 4 different stacks ?

    If so so this is not correct at all because that is what I did. I did not use any old tiles only new ones from the holiday tokens. Put them all in one box dropped them in the chest lost all of them accept 1 of each tile type/pattern/direction. 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    By the way thank you for responding 

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Skett said:
    @ Kyronix

    So,your say if I have 100 holiday tokens and claim snow tiles they will all stack into 4 different stacks ?

    If so so this is not correct at all because that is what I did. I did not use any old tiles only new ones from the holiday tokens. Put them all in one box dropped them in the chest lost all of them accept 1 of each tile type/pattern/direction. 
    If you are putting all the snow tiles claimed from the token into a single container, i.e. dropping them on the container so they autostack, they will not stack further than that.  They are stackable at that point.  The box only converts tiles redeemed prior to Publish 88 that will not stack with anything to those that will stack with other pre-Publish 88 tiles that have been exchanged via chest.  You should not put any tiles that are redeemed after Publish 88 into the container.  They already stack.  They will not stack anymore then they already do.
  • Minerva_FoxgloveMinerva_Foxglove Posts: 245
    edited June 2018
    In my case..I have lost plenty of tiles at different occasions .. I will never be able to sort whats one sort or another. How do I know the age of my tiles ? I have lots of grass in my 3 decorated places. I have re-decorated many many times ower the years. I have still grass of both sorts (I think) out on the shards and bring home a bunch now and then , using the chest at the bank,,thought that would let them stack with all others..I didnt take notes but was pretty certain i lost tiles. And the last time surely did. Why cant they all just stack correctly?  How many knows about this and what to do..and count the tiles atonce and realise something went wrong?  When I remove grass from a decorated place i get a bunch of tiles that dont stack and just use the chest at the bank  some might have been in the chest already and others have different age and I lose plenty. But I seldom discover it until I shall use them next time. 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    I agree with the last post how do we know the age ?

    I lost a couple hundred mil so far. 

    also I am using the tokens from last year and none of those stack, so what your saying is they are like the mosaics tiles ? if so that makes no since why make some stack and others that don't ? 


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Skett said:
    I agree with the last post how do we know the age ?

    I lost a couple hundred mil so far. 

    also I am using the tokens from last year and none of those stack, so what your saying is they are like the mosaics tiles ? if so that makes no since why make some stack and others that don't ? 

    @ Kyronix


    There is a tile box on Test Center.  Maybe you can copy there and put them in to check.

    I dont know. Proceed with caution.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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