Where were you when...?

Community ManagerCommunity Manager Posts: 452Dev
edited June 2024 in General Discussions
Where were you when this was released?
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Email - uo.fenneko@gmail.com


  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    Wow. Never saw that! I was living in Vermont on a dirt road in the Green Mountains where dial up was a luxury and I had it! No one else was on that line so I had it all to myself. I was living large. A dear friend gave me the disc but I couldn't play it because I had a Mac. I wrote a letter asking them to please make it available for Macs and I don't remember the exact wording of the reply but it was something along the lines of "Hell NO". I was righteously and gloriously indignant and angry. 
    So I had to  justify buying a windows machine. And I did, just to play UO. Was it a wrong decision when reviewing the last 26 years of my life? Interesting question with interesting answers.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Never saw it. It says it's 7 hours old so, I was working outside.

    Looks to be after ML?  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • sibblesibble Posts: 190
    This video was supposedly contained on a CD that came with a magazine called Next Generation in April of 1998 (issue number 40) - https://archive.org/details/NextGeneration40Apr1998/mode/2up - I don't see any references in the magazine but that doesn't mean much.  I remember back then when CDs came with magazines and they had all kinds of demos, previews and trailers.

    At the time, I was still in high school and every day after school when my friends would go do their sports things I would be glued to my PC either playing UO or on IRC.  I remember my desk was in the basement up against the wall, and the wall had many holes that got created whenever I would lag in UO or the servers went down for maintenance I'd kick my feet through the wall and create a new hole.  Pops didn't know about the holes til like 20yrs later when he moved the desk lol...
    "everything looks stupid" UO feedback 2024
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited June 2024
    April 98 huh.  Was in a rent house that was flooded up to our waist in October of that year. Both cars washed away (My '95 convertible Mustang... It caught on fire about 2 hours later while sitting sideways against a telephone pole it got hung on.) , wife was 9 months pregnant, baby born a few days later.  Neighbors teen daughter washed in thru french doors.  She sheepishly asked if she could stay. Like duh of course. Hehe  Our daughter was running in circles saying, were gonna die.  We just saw Titanic a few days earlier.  Firemen told us to walk to them, told them wife was 9 mo pregnant, they immediately changed speeds and tossed us floats on a rope and pulled us across the flooded street.  Next day she was barefoot and pregnant in a laundromat.  Great Year!

    When we saw the water rising, first thing I saved was my computer. Had every issue of PC gamer and computer gaming world, they were destroyed.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,294
    edited June 2024
    I was Chasing that dollar (and my then girlfriend soon to be wife) and playing all the original Ultima games along with the Sierra games when time allowed (worked 70+ hours a week as a Cable Contractor.) I also spent time on INN (old Sierra network) playing whatever tiickled my fancy that day. I didn't get into Ultima Online until later as I was more into chasing my wife around the house naked. After i finally caught her and she was pregnant, I had more time to sit around as I had also taken a more stable in-house Cable job. A couple of my co-workers played and got me hooked on it. I still kick them in the Arse when i see them. *Runs out to Change his password again*
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    Pawain said:
    April 98 huh.  Was in a rent house that was flooded up to our waist in October of that year. Both cars washed away (My '95 convertible Mustang... It caught on fire about 2 hours later while sitting sideways against a telephone pole it got hung on.) , wife was 9 months pregnant, baby born a few days later.  Neighbors teen daughter washed in thru french doors.  She sheepishly asked if she could stay. Like duh of course. Hehe  Our daughter was running in circles saying, were gonna die.  We just saw Titanic a few days earlier.  Firemen told us to walk to them, told them wife was 9 mo pregnant, they immediately changed speeds and tossed us floats on a rope and pulled us across the flooded street.  Next day she was barefoot and pregnant in a laundromat.  Great Year!

    When we saw the water rising, first thing I saved was my computer. Had every issue of PC gamer and computer gaming world, they were destroyed.

    Wow. Now I'm rather embarrassed that I was complaining that they wouldn't spend time so I could play on a mac. Thanks for putting things into perspective. <3
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    I miss my yearbooks from school the most.  Our cats had to stay in the house while we stayed elsewhere and came over to clean up.  One was missing one day.  It was in the chimney.  It came out black with soot. It was late so we had to leave.  The next day it was clean.  Uck, poor guy liked all that ash off himself.  The TV was destroyed because of the humidity.  My co workers helped clean up the next weekend.  Red Cross allowed those in the affected areas to get cleaning supplies and baby supplies for free from a goodwill store people donated to.

    I was back to UO post haste.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited June 2024
    Pawain said:
    April 98 huh.  Was in a rent house that was flooded up to our waist in October of that year. Both cars washed away (My '95 convertible Mustang... It caught on fire about 2 hours later while sitting sideways against a telephone pole it got hung on.) , wife was 9 months pregnant, baby born a few days later.  Neighbors teen daughter washed in thru french doors.  She sheepishly asked if she could stay. Like duh of course. Hehe  Our daughter was running in circles saying, were gonna die.  We just saw Titanic a few days earlier.  Firemen told us to walk to them, told them wife was 9 mo pregnant, they immediately changed speeds and tossed us floats on a rope and pulled us across the flooded street.  Next day she was barefoot and pregnant in a laundromat.  Great Year!

    When we saw the water rising, first thing I saved was my computer. Had every issue of PC gamer and computer gaming world, they were destroyed.

     Quite the story, priorities, am i right? B)
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

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