Burning Orc Contests & Prizes
Contest #1 Artistic Design
Each participant will be given a 5x5 square at one of the vendor houses to design as they choose.To help everyone get started with some ideas, we'll have 3 basic themes. The space can focus on one, or multiple themes. Think small space, big creativity!
Orcish Art
Summer Fun
Orcish Garden
Entries will be begin Friday, May 18th. (space is limited to 12 entries total) Please contact Smoot or Laina to enter.
Smoot: icq 442212126
Laina: icq 132394785
Voting will be done on Stratics. Contest Voting will take place June 6th to 9th
Please Choose a Title for your entry A screenshot of each entry will be posted on Stratics June 6th for voting, so please have your designs done by then.
Example: Title:
Orcish Grog Summer Bottle Tree
Please try to keep designs to spawning and lower cost items. EM rares should not be used in designs.
Prizes will be awarded at the Closing Ceremonies Sunday, June 10th 7pm. If a winner cannot attend please make other arrangements to pick up your prize.
Contest #2 Backpack Art
themes again are Orcish Art, Summer Fun and Orcish Garden. Players
must construct a depiction of one (or more) of the three themes inside a
backpack using NPC bought items, spawning items or low cost items only –
no rares.Each entry must contain a book with your name and contact information. Any entry without a name and contact will not be considered. The max number of items is 124 including the book. You are free to use whatever style container you prefer.
Entries will begin Friday May 18th and end on June 6th. Please choose a title for your entry.
Please contact Smoot (icq 442212126) or Laina (icq 132394785) to enter or put it in one of the mailboxes at the two vendor houses. Only one entry per person. A screenshot of each entry will be posted on Stratics on June 6th. Voting will continue through June 9th to determine a winner. Prizes will be given out for those with the top three votes.
Prizes will be awarded at the Closing Ceremonies Sunday, June 10th 7pm. If a winner can not attend please make other arrangements to pick up your prize.
Contest #3 Costumes
the spirit of Burning Man (or Burning Orc in this case), we ask that
you design a costume of your own choosing. The more colorful and unique
the better – there are no limits or restrictions to the costume.To enter, please place a book on your vendor at the rares fest location labelled “contest entry” and a title as well as your name and contact information. Any entry without these 3 pieces of information will not be considered. Only one entry per person. Entries close on June 6th.
A screenshot of each entry will be posted at that time on Stratics. Voting will continue through June 9th to determine a winner. Prizes will be given out for those with the top three votes at the Closing Ceremonies Sunday, June 10th 7pm. If a winner can not attend please make other arrangements to pick up your prize.
Please Contact Laina icq 132394785 or Smoot icq 442212126 to enter (no need to contact for paperdoll contest - see contest details)
Thank you to our Burning Orc Sponsors:
Queen Arya
Les Stroud
Pampa DH
Artistic Design (5x5 small space deco)
1st - Still Beating Heart Of The Daemon Of Passion Who Sought To Debauch The Dryads Of Britannia
2nd - Ale Package With Spilled Ale and The Snake's Special Serpentwyne (also an ale table and mugs of ale not pictured)
3rd - Gruesome Standard Of The Pale Orc Warband, Carved Into It Are The Words "Glory To Da Bludgod!" (original, rarer graphic)
Backpack Art Contest
1st - The Never-Ending Story: A Book Of Fantastic Tales Spun By Bennu, The Jongleur
2nd - two SA "server birth" Lava Tiles
3rd - Shrine To The Old God Vereor
Vendor Paperdoll Contest
1st - Orc Package (also including Orc Brute Tally, Orc Slayer Scrappers, Big Magic Flippers, Orc Ship, & Orc vet reward statuette - not pictured)
Orcish Engineer Toolkit
Double Blessed Orc Mask
2nd - Orcish Visage Of The Frozen Skull Clan
3rd - Orcish Idol Of The Bonecrusher Clan
There will also be a round of trivia Tuesday, June 5th at 9pm eastern. Each correct answer will receive a small prize.