Building a new Gargoyle Necromancer / Thrower

I want to make my Gargoyle right from the beginning. Can someone help me with what skills I need to use? I have a Necromancer that I don't use much so I though I would use her and add throwing to her. What should I do? Please help :)

Lady Sparkles - Napa & Origin
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  • FelipoviskFelipovisk Posts: 15
    The template you are looking for is this one:

    120 anatomy
    120 tactics
    120 throwing
    100 bushido
    080 chivalry
    100 healing
    020 necromancy
    060 spirit speak

    This is the goal template, and while you are getting the stuff you need like Powerscrolls and gear, you can go with 100 anat, tactics and throwing and put more points on chivalry, necro and ss.

    Also this template is focused on the wraith from for mana leech and max trhwing speed at high end game, wich is 1,25 and you will need 211+ stam total and 60 SSI. 

    You have other options like running 100 necro for vamp form, or no necro and higher chivalry and maybe some resisting spells. Its all your call and how much efftort/gold are you looking to spend.

    This template works for me, because it is a glass cannon, with max swing speed, wraith form for mana leech and if i need to perform a different role, i have a tammer or a sampire for the job.
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