Tinkering BODs

Is any one else getting a lot of small low level jewelry tinkering BODs recently?  My GM tinker is getting at least one such BOD a day when going around collecting the daily 3 BODs per craft.  They are worth so little that I am contemplating tossing them into a trash barrel.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    edited May 2018
    They did not work as intended.  I put in a bug report for them but it was ignored. 

    Oops my bug report led them to fixing the issue by removing those BODs.

    I guess if you N/A the categories you fix the Bugs. https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/skills/tinkering/tinker-bulk-orders/

    Just toss them on the ground.

    LOL the carpentry ones are N\A also. https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/skills/carpentry/carpentry-bulk-orders/

    Carpentry one is bad,  you can make that furniture with the colored woods.  They just did not want to fix the BODs not bribing up.

    So, Tinkering and Carpentry have 2  large BODs that can be bribed up.. 

    I guess I can trash that jewelry BOD book.  Not worth 250 points to organize them when 20 iron Barrel hoops are worth the same.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    As always, so much potential, oh well
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