TMaps losing a level when decoding
When this first happened I thought I just pulled the wrong maps but I've been able to reproduce this issue now. The issue is that undecoded tmaps are losing a level (ie going from hoard to cache) when doing the following:
- Maps have all come from my Davies locker and have been sitting for a few months, but none are maps from before the Tmap revamp (ie they were never Ingeniously drawn, they were always hoard).
- Map needs to say (Coords = Unknown | Status = Not decoded) in the Davies. Remove the map to your backpack.
- Try to decode the map by double clicking it. You will receive the message "you need more time to study the map". I've double clicked the map another 1 or 2 times being impatient.
- Add the map back to the Davies locker
- The map will drop 1 level.
I just did this to confirm this bug and took the screenshots below of before starting the steps and after completing the steps.