Can't stack item in container when container is full
Ran into this on EC in grid mod. Not sure if it impacts CC. I'll use a fishing example:
1. Fill your ship's hull to 125 items
2. Drag a stackable item from your backpack on top of an item of the same type (I encountered this with gold where the resulting stack would have been less than 60k)
3. Observe container full message
You should be able to stack an item onto the slot even if the container is full

You should be able to stack an item onto the slot even if the container is full

I'm probably odd, but I tend to dislike reporting of these minor inconvenient bugs pushing more important ones off the bottom of the page.
Yes all containers that have 125 items can not hold another item even if it would stack with something inside. Not new containers have always been that way. Probably can not change this.