Which expansion is your favorite?

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Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I do not remember when they completed the Virtues, but that took a long time for them to finish, but that was another great part of the game, so completing an Elvin mage avatar, was about as good as it got for me.
Second favourite, Stygian Abyss. Underworld, and Stygian Abyss are in fact a work of art with their level of content, and the entire Imbuing system was fantastic, and logical, after all the random luck and chaos that had preceded via Reforging.
Unfortunately, Imbuing introduced Brittle, a horrific attribute, I could never understand why the Devs always felt they had to give with 1 hand, and take away with the other, in a fake semblance of "this maintains some sort of balance".
Age of Shadows - worst at the time - I even quit for 8 years after that one. Although Chivalry, and Necromancy skills were cool, it gave rise to the Sampire (with the next expansion), and UO was a Dexxer game ever since then.
Worst, Renaissance - in the long term.
When Trammel first came, I don't think anyone could have realised it would cause all the ingame issues it has today though. Unlimited scripting, no risk vs reward, destroyed the economy and 90% of the point of the entire game. There should have been no loot in Trammel, it should have had deco drops only, and been a character training, socialising and housing area only.
Lord Blackthorns Revenge was cool, but I remember it with disappointment that Illshenar was only in Trammel, the realisation then was that the game had given up. From then, I rarely went into Trammel, unless huge risk free reward events enticed me.
When most games introduce a new race, I usually groan, and that race is the new must-have OP race going etc etc, it does get boring, but UO managed to introduce both of its new races inside very good expansions. They did make the gargoyles too over-powered, then nerfed them pretty much instantly, and made their new race the weakest ever since then, only UO could do that... Of course, Gargs, and partially elves, with their different equipment, then gave the Devs a longer term armour consistency problem - another learning curve for the Devs.
Eodon barely raised an eyebrow, which is a little unfair to it. It was in Trammel, and by this stage, most players I know, were not the slightest bit interested in Trammel. Although of course it had roof, and the new artifacts, so that created a great grind. Eodon is judged unfairly I think though, in that it does have some decent content there, just most players cannot be bothered to leave Felucca to go there. Another learning point - I do not think No recall zones help, players do want ease of travel, I don't think UO needs to be scared of diminishing it's content by having quick travel, as it has so much content.
The issue with High Sea's, again, is most players just do not have that sort of time on their hands to play this content. Again - I'm sure, that is a decent expansion - I have it, but have never played it to know. Make the ships 5 x Faster, and we may have a game on our hands.
I think on a base level, we sometimes agree, however my viewpoint has now changed to that of the old days.
I think 20 years on, the world has changed, and what used to be the realm of an unethical rogue programmer, is now open to everyone, along with some amazing things that can be done.
I take the view these days, that society embraces this new technology, we all try to make our lives easier, and gaming is often at the forefront of it all.
I have 2 sons, and 1 has a genuine interest in coding. The interaction between UO and coding, or many other games, such as Minecraft and coding, is one that kids these days enjoy, immerse themselves in, and these are skills they could very well need as they get older.
In many of the kids games, the emphasis has gone away from "you play our game", to, you are part of a huge community, and "you can create your own games, or your own maps, your own concepts", within the framework.
I find these days, the fact these abilities are open to everyone, is a great leveller. And ultimately, in all sports, I want an equal playing field.
I do not think we can keep talking about Cheating anymore. It is progression in todays world.
as long as it's against the ToS, and players can be banned under any part of what these programs allow you to do, clearly there's a pretty massive difference between what the O***n Client allows you to do compared to the official clients & approved assistant programs, I'd say it's safe to say it's cheating, at least until it's officially 'allowed'... at the same time, the flood gates will open if there's ever an official statement condoning it. -that'll probably be when it's finally time to call it quits on UO for most. but i guess we'll have to see.
There has been would-be successor games to UO? Like what I never heard of any before
For an almost direct, and certainly inferior game - Old School RuneScape which stuck to its PvP principals with 49 million players is also doing far worse than UO.
Fact of the matter is, pvp is popular, and successful.