@Grimbeard - How are you getting these shellfish? I thought it was from pirating but I went out today and scuttled 6-7 ships (both orc and trade) without a single shellfish. I must be missing something.
@ Grimbeard - How are you getting these shellfish? I thought it was from pirating but I went out today and scuttled 6-7 ships (both orc and trade) without a single shellfish. I must be missing something.
@ Grimbeard - How are you getting these shellfish? I thought it was from pirating but I went out today and scuttled 6-7 ships (both orc and trade) without a single shellfish. I must be missing something.
They are randomly on any ship
Where? In the chests/crates? Orc ships or merchant ships?
@ Grimbeard - How are you getting these shellfish? I thought it was from pirating but I went out today and scuttled 6-7 ships (both orc and trade) without a single shellfish. I must be missing something.
They are randomly on any ship
Where? In the chests/crates? Orc ships or merchant ships?
Orc ships I don't do Merchants. I see them a lot and leave em. hmm wonder if a pet will eat them.
@ Grimbeard - How are you getting these shellfish? I thought it was from pirating but I went out today and scuttled 6-7 ships (both orc and trade) without a single shellfish. I must be missing something.
They are randomly on any ship
Where? In the chests/crates? Orc ships or merchant ships?
@ Grimbeard - How are you getting these shellfish? I thought it was from pirating but I went out today and scuttled 6-7 ships (both orc and trade) without a single shellfish. I must be missing something.
They are randomly on any ship
Where? In the chests/crates? Orc ships or merchant ships?
Orc ships I don't do Merchants. I see them a lot and leave em. hmm wonder if a pet will eat them.
@ Grimbeard - How are you getting these shellfish? I thought it was from pirating but I went out today and scuttled 6-7 ships (both orc and trade) without a single shellfish. I must be missing something.
They are randomly on any ship
Where? In the chests/crates? Orc ships or merchant ships?
Orc ships I don't do Merchants. I see them a lot and leave em. hmm wonder if a pet will eat them.
Shoulda put Granite in for @ LilyGrace!
I kill the merchants! Kill them! Kill them all!
Yep, granite is a great idea!
yep, they seem to drop more Plunder Hats than the Orcs, just sayin . . .
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
@Victim_Of_Siege it's sometimes chicken sometimes feathers whether I get any hat drops from the merchants or gargoyles. But leave no merchant or garg unturned I say. I have two archers using Chivalry so, not wanting them to take a hit to karma, I don't party my girls. And I let one naughty girl go after them.
@ Victim_Of_Siege it's sometimes chicken sometimes feathers whether I get any hat drops from the merchants or gargoyles. But leave no merchant or garg unturned I say. I have two archers using Chivalry so, not wanting them to take a hit to karma, I don't party my girls. And I let one naughty girl go after them.
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Where? In the chests/crates? Orc ships or merchant ships?
Shoulda put Granite in for @LilyGrace!
Yep, granite is a great idea!
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I LOVE this!