Stealth shellfish nerf

Why did we go from stacks of 10 to 2 ? Just why ??? @Kyronix ;


  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    We made a change to get them to stack, which required making them weigh more.  Will have a look as to why the quantity also decreased.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    Thank you !!
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    Today was the first chance I got to start the event. I was silly happy to get 20 Apple Crabs! As mentioned to Grimbeard earlier this morning, watch me not get any Rock Crab! ;)

    Did I say thank you? Thank you for the crustaceans!

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    @Kyronix will there be further changes they still don't stack and we're getting 8 less
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    Can we just go back to not stackable for the duration of the event please? My heart went all aflutter getting a decent amount of crustaceans(and yes, no rock crab yet!)and then I nose dived back to earth when the candy was taken away. I'll be like McDougal.... pleeeeeeeease? ;)
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Adding some info.
    For Fred Lobster those caught in a trap look like this and have a type ID of 17620

    For Fred Lobster those from Merchant and Orc ships look like this and have a type ID of 17619

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    I think the issue is the axis rather than hue or weight. If it can't be fixed at least put them back to ten and for goodness sake acknowledge us
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    Out For lunch If Not Back By Noon Out For Dinner As Well Print Funny
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