Please make Night Sight a buff
Nightsigh exist in various forms, as a property on a magical item and as a mage spell that fades away over time. However the most used Nightsight is the one people doesn't need to use, the one enchanted by screen, illegal client, or a 3rd party program. This is of course not wanted, its not a level playing field and some get the property for free, without the need to bind up the property in the suit.
Its time to fix this issue after two decades.
I herby suggest an additional buff to the Nightsight property. Make it so you get both the bright screen property as exists in Nightsight, and an additional property. I suggest 1 Fastercast, 10lower mana cost, or 15 Defence Chance Increase.
Now this will still not make people absolutely need the property, but it will make them lose out a lot if they don't, and thus give honest players a bonus.
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