Does sdi affect mystic

Before I change my suit


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited March 2024
    Could just hold and not hold a 50 book and Cuffs.

    I say no, I never used it on my Mystic.  He would be pretty powerful with 150SDI.

    UO Wiki says Slayer books work with spells.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    The answer is yes
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Nice.  Mystic/Mage/Tamer.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    Pawain said:
    Nice.  Mystic/Mage/Tamer.
    Well fisherman 
    120 fishing 
    120 resisting spells 
    120 mystic 
    120 focus
    120 magery 
    120 meditation 
    Now if I  could get a 50 sdi fishing pole..
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Grimbeard said:
    The answer is yes
    Does Spell Damage Increase affect any and all Mysticism spells or just some of them ?

    Also, what about Necromancy spells or Spellweaving spells or Chivalry spells ? What about SDI having or not an effect on these other spellcasting spells ?

    Looking up here , I seem to understand that Chivalry spells are not affected by SDI, and for Necromancy, I seem to read that it affects Poison Strike and Wither but it does not with Pain Spike... and what about all of the other Necromancy spells ?

    To me, it is not much clear how SDI affects spells of other spellcasting abilities like Mysticism, Necromancy, Spellweaving and Chivalry... I could not understand conclusively what the UOGuide link says on the topic.

    By the way, @Mariah , I could not find a specific page for the UOWiki about how Spell Damage Increase works in Ultima Online... the only page that I could find was this which it does not help much to understand if and how Spell Damage Increase may affect Magery, Mysticism, Necromancy, Spellweaving and Chivalry spells.

    Is there a UOWiki page for Spell Damage Increase and how it affects the various spells across all spellcasting abilities ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited March 2024
    Mariah said:
    Thank you for the clarification.

    I went to the Magic Item Properties page and, for Spell Damage Increase I found the following text: 

    this property increases the damage for most magical attacks that are casted. While the property is normally caped at 20% in PvP, the cap can be further increased to 25% for focused templates. Focus templates have no more than 30 modified skill points in mor than one primary skill such as magery, necromancy, mysticism, ninjitsu, bushido, animal taming, musicianship, chivalry or spellweaving. Also no more than 30 modified skill points in the associated secondary skill such as evaluate intelligence, spirit speaking, focus, imbuing. Example: magery/eval/inscrip/wrestle is a ‘pure’ mage and will have 25% sdi, adding another of the primary skills listed here, or a secondary skill not associated with your chosen primary, at above 30 skill points reduces the sdi cap back to 20%. Spell damage increase in PvM is 250%. This property is most commonly found on accessories and spellbooks

    I could not find informations on what spells SDI affects (other then Magery), whether for Mysticism, Necromancy, Spellweaving, Chivalry, Bushido (Honorable Execution, Counter Attack, Lightning Strike, Momentum Strike ?), Ninjitsu (Backstab, Death Strike ?)...

    I imagine that it would be beneficial to know for players who use the various spellcasting abilities, like the topic of this Thread about Mysticism spells, whether the spells which they use (other then Magery spells), be them spells from Mysticism, Necromancy, Spellweaving, Chivalry, Bushido or Ninjitsu get a benefit or not from having a given Spell Damage Increase...
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Thought spell damage increase only increased direct damage spells and not area damage spells like earthquake, energy vortex, and the mystic area damage spells.  Know it increases chain lightening and meteor swarm, but since I can target those I consider them direct damage spells.  Would think for a mystic only eagle strike and boulder strike would increase if any. 

  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Actually. another question comes to mind.  Can items providing a total spell damage increase of let’s say 100% make a player with 100 magery and 0 evaluate Intel. an effective direct damage spell caster?

    Also, one more question, has the editing function been removed from these forum posts.  Would have added this to my previous post, but when I came back after posting the comment I could not find the editing function that allows you a hour or so to make changes.  Usually I find mistakes right after I post a comment regardless of how much I proof before posting.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    popps said:

    I imagine that it would be beneficial to know for players who use the various spellcasting abilities, like the topic of this Thread about Mysticism spells, whether the spells which they use (other then Magery spells), be them spells from Mysticism, Necromancy, Spellweaving, Chivalry, Bushido or Ninjitsu get a benefit or not from having a given Spell Damage Increase...

    I'll touch on a couple points i can answer right off. 

    Chiv only has 1 damage dealing spell Holy Light. It's based on how high your karma is. 

    Necro is supposed to be based off spirit speak level and having the lowest karma. I haven't played one in over 10 years so i have no clue if item sdi has any bearing on damage. 

    Ninja deathstrike damage as been tied into hiding/stealth skill level + tiles target moves for multiple years now. In pvm i find it rather pointless as most mobs move at a snails pace leaving you with only base damage. 

    Spellweaving WoD is absolutely item SDI based plus arcane level so stack it on! At 157 sdi my character does slightly under 1k damage with each WoD.

    I did forget if SDI works with hit spells on a wep. With the level of items out now it may benefit to know this. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    I'm sorry, that's all the information I have. 'Most magical attacks that are casted' to me means all skills that cast attacking spells, taking 'attacking' to mean a spell that is directly targeted at an individual mob or player.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited March 2024
    Mariah said:
    I'm sorry, that's all the information I have. 'Most magical attacks that are casted' to me means all skills that cast attacking spells, taking 'attacking' to mean a spell that is directly targeted at an individual mob or player.

    Well, if so, why then at this link it says : 

    As with most code over time, Spell Damage Increase is not as straight-forward as it seems. It does affect Poison Strike and Wither, but it does not affect Pain Spike or Holy Light.

    Aren't both Pain Spike and Holy Light "attacking" spells ?

    If so, I would imagine, it is not as easy and simple as SDI applies to an "attack" spell... it looks like there is more to it if some attack spells are affected and some are not...

    Also, what about Area Damage spells ? They do damage... so are all Area Damage spells affected by SDI or only "some" among them ?

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    popps said:
    Mariah said:
    I'm sorry, that's all the information I have. 'Most magical attacks that are casted' to me means all skills that cast attacking spells, taking 'attacking' to mean a spell that is directly targeted at an individual mob or player.

    Well, if so, why then at this link it says : 

    As with most code over time, Spell Damage Increase is not as straight-forward as it seems. It does affect Poison Strike and Wither, but it does not affect Pain Spike or Holy Light.

    Aren't both Pain Spike and Holy Light "attacking" spells ?

    If so, I would imagine, it is not as easy and simple as SDI applies to an "attack" spell... it looks like there is more to it if some attack spells are affected and some are not...

    Also, what about Area Damage spells ? They do damage... so are all Area Damage spells affected by SDI or only "some" among them ?

    Stick a 50 spellbook in your hand and wear compassions eye and tell us what spells are increased by SDI.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Urge said:

    I did forget if SDI works with hit spells on a wep. With the level of items out now it may benefit to know this. 
       SDI does work with hit-spells on weapons,  but the damage from them is lower due to hit-spells functioning as if they're cast using 80.0 eval-int, still subject to pvp cap on SDI.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    CovenantX said:
    Urge said:

    I did forget if SDI works with hit spells on a wep. With the level of items out now it may benefit to know this. 
       SDI does work with hit-spells on weapons,  but the damage from them is lower due to hit-spells functioning as if they're cast using 80.0 eval-int, still subject to pvp cap on SDI.

    Thanks. I knew there had to be someone that knew this.

    I kind of had a temp idea for a pvm eval stacked sdi dex character for single target. 
  • SDI affects all the damage spells of Mysticism.
    Nether Bolt
    Eagle Strike
    Hail Storm
    Nether Cyclone
    Spell Plague (only the initial hit though, not the procced damage explosion)

    SDI affects these Spellweaving spells.
    Essence of Wind
    Word of Death

    SDI only affects 2 Necro spells.
    Poison Strike

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited March 2024
    SDI affects all the damage spells of Mysticism.
    Nether Bolt
    Eagle Strike
    Hail Storm
    Nether Cyclone
    Spell Plague (only the initial hit though, not the procced damage explosion)

    SDI affects these Spellweaving spells.
    Essence of Wind
    Word of Death

    SDI only affects 2 Necro spells.
    Poison Strike


    Thank you for the clarification.

    Technically, therefore, it is not possible to say that Spell Damage Increase affects "direct" offensive spells to a target because, I seem to understand, while Nether Bolt, Eagle Strike, Spell Plague, Word of Death are spells which are cast onto a single target, the spells Bombard, Hail Storm, Nether Cyclone, Thunderstorm, Essence of Wind, Wildfire, Poison Strike and Wither are more "area effect" spells which effect all target within a certain radius.

    Yet, there are other spells which are either direct offensive spells or area spells which seem not to be affected by Spell Damage Increase. For example, the Spellweaving Immolating Weapon or the Necromancy Curse Weapon spells come to mind, if the Mysticism Enchant spell is affected by SDI (all damage spells from Mysticism are affected by SDI, I understand), why then the Immolating Weapon spell from Spellweaving or the Necromancy spell Curse Weapon should not be ?

    Or Blood Oath from Necromancy, which it should not be affected by SDI since it is a direct spell ?
    Or Corpse Skin, Evil Omen, Pain Spike, Strangle...

    So, it is unclear to me what is the actual "ratio" that SDI follows in order to define which spell it affects and which not. This, particularly, given the example of Spell Plague which you provide which mentions how SDI works only for the initial hit but not for the proceed damage explosion...

    Either one knows specifically what the actual spells affected by Spell Damage Increase are or, it is hard to identify them by a "logic"...

    Also, no spells from Bushido or Chivalry are affected by Spell Damage Increase ?

    I know that Chivalry spells are affected by positive Karma but also Spellweaving spells receive a bonus from the Arcane Circle and, yet, some spellweaving spells do are affected by Spell Damage Increase... so, why could some Chivalry spells not also get a positive effect from Spell Damage Increase, likewise ?

    Not to mention, that several spells from Bushido could likely get an effect from Spell Damage Increase... to my mind come the spells Honorable Execution, Confidence, Momentum Strike and, perhaps, also Lightning Strike. Yet, no Bushido spell seem to get an effect from Spell Damage Increase.

    What I am trying to say is, that, unless one knows exactly the spells for which Spell Damage Increase works, it is not really trivial to try to figure it out following some "logic" for which spells it works, and for which it doesn't...

    Yet, there have to be a Formula and, thus, a "logic"... I wonder what the Formula might be to split apart the spells for which it works from those for which it does not...

    I mean, Spell Plague is a clear example for this... the Spell Damage Increase Formula specifically states that it has to work for the initial hit, but not for the following explosion ?

    Go figure.....

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Ask your self did I cast the spell on the opponent or on the weapon I hit him with? if the answer is the weapon, then that's why sdi didn't apply.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited March 2024
    Mariah said:
    Ask your self did I cast the spell on the opponent or on the weapon I hit him with? if the answer is the weapon, then that's why sdi didn't apply.
    Yet, for some spells that PlayerSkillFTW indicated that Spell Damage Increase works, they are not cast on the opponent, directly, but to a location or not even that, sometimes... they are just cast and they activate to hit all targets within a certain range from the caster.

    So, it looks to me that a direct hit onto a target is not the requirement for SDI to affect that spell functionality...
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    @popps now you are going to Put SDI and luck on your warriors?   :D. Good Luck.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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