Moving my Garden Shed

Today I moved my Garden shed and had a hard time getting it placed in the right location. After a while I gave up and upon checking on the items inside the shed, I was horrified to find that the 2 chests that once held my Slayer books and Spell Damage books were GONE!!! One chest still had 8 books and the other had 10. I kept looking and from that a box I had stored tokens for different promotions were missing too!! Well, it being Sunday night, No GM answered my pleas for help! So, I decided to take the shed down one more time to see what happens in case it was just glitched. Upon resetting it up again, I lost 2 more books. :( Has anyone had issues like this before?? Any ideas on where my books can be??
I am sure they are gone for good, but I was sure hoping for the best here!! Maybe even another town invasion???

Sparkles of Napa Valley


  • KelmainKelmain Posts: 12
    I am a returning player and am still 'getting my UO legs' so I could easily be wrong here.

    I would look for those items in my 'Moving Crate'. It should be accessible from the customise house thingy on the houses nameplate thingy.
    I know that I don't know the correct names of things but I hope that helps in some way.
  • Thank you for your comment to my issue and I had checked there just in case they went there and they hadn't. :( But thank you again for responding. :)
     I am about to log on now with the hopes of finding my things came back! Wish me luck!!


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    You looked in both sides of the Garden shed?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    I didn't know you could move a Garden Shed with items in it, learn something new everyday
  • Pawain said:
    You looked in both sides of the Garden shed?
    Yes, I did. I looked all over the castle. They just poofed. Actually, when I replaced the shed again, my cursor was on the count of the shed, and you could see the stones drop. 

  • I didn't know you could move a Garden Shed with items in it, learn something new everyday
    Well, I am very scared to ever do it again!! You buy then to keep things safe and to add storage to your house. You don't expect to lose you things when you move it. Just typical BS in UO. We are too busy rebuilding the game to the old original that was totally hated by so many! We can't fix things that are wrong with the game or utilize customer service like we use to.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    I didn't know you could move a Garden Shed with items in it, learn something new everyday
    Well, I am very scared to ever do it again!! You buy then to keep things safe and to add storage to your house. You don't expect to lose you things when you move it. Just typical BS in UO. We are too busy rebuilding the game to the old original that was totally hated by so many! We can't fix things that are wrong with the game or utilize customer service like we use to.
    What most people hated about old UO was all the PKs ruining every bodies game.  This will not be part of this new build unless you want to opt in to it.  Old UO was fun esp after Tram and before Age of DODO
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    I didn't know you could move a Garden Shed with items in it, learn something new everyday

    you can do this with many different add-on containers that come in deed form . I always felt it was a bug because one could store 125 items in 1 item and move it. Ive done it a few times I never knew you could lose items doing it.. 
    some times people sell the barrel that are containers and there is items in them ive bought a few

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
  • Skett said:
    I didn't know you could move a Garden Shed with items in it, learn something new everyday

    you can do this with many different add-on containers that come in deed form . I always felt it was a bug because one could store 125 items in 1 item and move it. Ive done it a few times I never knew you could lose items doing it.. 
    some times people sell the barrel that are containers and there is items in them ive bought a few

    This is what scares me now since I lost my books and tokens. The Sheds hold 250 items, but they turn into a barrel that is normally designed for 125 items. Is this why I lost them? Could others have this same problem if they move one of the sheds too? Makes you wonder.

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