Thank you for the event's I have the coming week off and it will give me something to do. I am going to collect all the sculptures and a Tree from each city. I have 5 Trees and 7 sculptures already.
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I feel differently about the Treasures events, but I'm glad others enjoy them. I've posted my thoughts here: In short, I think the Treasure events are just overpowered loot vending machines that are designed cynically and damage the balance of things in the long term. Clearly, they're a carrot-on-a-stick stopgap while the team focuses on New Legacy.
I enjoy these Champion spawn events a lot more: There's downtime. Players work toward a common goal. People socialize while waiting for the spawn. The cosmetics look good and can sell for a lot if you don't care about cosmetics. The gear we've gotten from them has never been overpowered.
Just my opinion. There's room for many different types of events that feed different play styles, and I'm also happy that the OG of MMOs is still around.
Not sure what the issue is, I kill lots and lots of stuff with my Warrior yet, I have only gotten so far 4 Snow Sculptures but 15 Trees....
I do not understand what I might be doing wrong that does not get me more Snow Sculpture drops....
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo