Winter Spur new spawn : Sculptures drops CAPPPED per tier of spawn (or per entire Spawn) ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited December 2023 in General Discussions
Dear @Kyronix , since I do not particularly enjoy wasting my time all for nothing, I would like to know, and I assume that this information might be also usefull to other fellow UO players not to waste their time as well, whether the number of Snow Sculptures that drop is CAPPED per tier of spawn (or for the entire cycle of 1 Boss spawn) at the new spawn in Winter Spur.

I am asking this, because I have been spending quite a lot of time, alone (noone else was there) at the spawn which had Snow Elementals (tier 2 ?) along with the Frost Oozes, Ice Elementals and Ladies of the Snow which are always present, killing lots and lots of MOBs and got zero Snow Sculpture drops, none, nada.

I assume, that someone moved up the Altar from tier 1 to tier 2, collected whatever Snow Sculptures are allocated to drop to that point of spawn progress or for the entire Spawn cycle, and left.

As a late comer to the show, my kills (and the time spent to try getting some) did not yield any Snow Sculptures since the CAP of allocated drops had already been met.

I wasted my time..... thank you !! /sarcasm....

So, dear Kyronix, since I do not particularly appreciate wasting my time all for nothing, but I guess that also other fellow UO players would like to know, could you please let us know whether I was particularly unlucky and the RNG decided to give me no Snow Sculpture drops regardless of all of my kills and time spent killing stuff OR, whether the Design of the Spawn has a CAP to the number of Snow Sculptures which can drop, reached which, ZERO Snow Sculptures drop any more, until the Boss gets killed and the Spawn resets ?

Thank you so much for the much wanted information and Merry Christmas.

Oh, and should, by any chance be there a CAP for the number of Snow Sculptures that can drop at this new Spawn, either per tier of spawn or for the entire spawn, please, could you add something like a message to each player, when killing MOBs, informing them that the CAP for Snow Sculpture drops has been met and that no further Snow Sculptures will be awarded until the Boss is killed and the Spaw reset, so that players will know that, if they are alone at the spawn or in a number too few to be able to progress the Spawn and kill the Boss, they are just wasting their time insisting on killing MOBs without reaching the Spawn reset? Thank you.


  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    I'm guessing it's just like every single other dynamic spawn we've had popps (we've had like 3 or 4)... shouldn't need to reinvent the wheel or write a 4th novel on it.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Yes there has always been a cap on participation rewards. The others were at least 10.  Not sure about the cap on this one.  I won't put up a number because you will blindly write a novel about it.  I am getting these drops about the same rate as eggs from the last one.

    You need to get them fast tho.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    edited December 2023
    Doing something to get an online item that doesn't really exist and has no real value or even help in playing the game is pretty much the definition of "wasting my time".

    Unless someone is paying to watch you play the whole purpose of any game is to wast time.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Don’t know if the sculptures are capped, but playing with several other players and spending most of my time running away I still got several of them probably before the third wave started.  Was my first time and did not kill nearly as much as the others.  Mostly I was looking for the best way for my character to approach the spawn but not having much success. Got a tree too.  The tree looks good by the way.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    @Arnold7. The participation drops are capped per spawn.  But I am seeing what you did.  First I played on my tamer without a Focus so I was not able to kill in bulk, but I got a drop.  Later I changed to a melee guy and killed many things very quick.  I also got one statue.

    So basically play the template you like and maybe you will get a statue.

    I set a 30 minute timer when the boss dies.  Come back and do the next spawn. 

    I hope to get all 8 statues and trees today.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited December 2023
    I may have not been able to explain my argument well.... my apologies in such a case.....

    My point is NOT to play the spawn after it re-starts past the 30 minutes downtime and "try" to get a Snow Sculpture drop....

    I am talking about when the Spawn is "abandoned"... that is, it has re-started for sometimes, but hardly or no player is there and, yet, it has a few candles and some Ice Elementals, Snow Elementals and so forth...

    HOW is a player, getting to the spawn in such a state, supposed to know that whatever Snow Sculptures are CAPPED to drop for that spawn cycle, have already been awarded to some player who already worked that Spawn and then left ?

    That is, that the Spawn is now "dryed out" and unable to drop anymore Snow Sculptures until the Boss spawns and gets killed and a new Spawn cycle restarts ?

    The reason for my query, is that without knowing about this, UO players could spend their time all for nothing at that Spawn killing MOBs trying to get Snow Sculptures drops which, unfortunately, cannot drop any more for that cycle of Spawn since all that were supposed to drop have dropped already to someone else who came, got them, and left leaving the Spawn "hanging out" without the Boss spawned and killed....

    Perhaps, is my argument, "just" perhaps, the Spawn should give to players a message telling them that all Snow Sculptures drops have already been awarded and no more will drop for that Spawn Cycle until the Boss spawns, gets killed, and a new Spawn cycle will restart ?

    This way, a player or a few players not sufficient to get the Boss to spawn and kill it, will be able to avoid wasting their time there because, upon getting the message, they will leave the Spawn and go do something else in the game if they wish so....

    That is at least how I see it.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited December 2023
    Tim said:
    Doing something to get an online item that doesn't really exist and has no real value or even help in playing the game is pretty much the definition of "wasting my time".

    Unless someone is paying to watch you play the whole purpose of any game is to wast time.
    Well, at least, even when getting something that is only pixels in an online game, " at least " it still is getting something out of one's own time spent in that game...

    But when a player cannot get any drop because of a CAP that some other player has already reached, and the Spawn cannot be advanced up to the Boss to kill it and reset the Spawn that is just a futile enterprise, to my opinion which, by the way, only wears out a Warrior's weapon and suit in the process...

    I do not know whether it is the acid splits or what not but, at the level where there are Ice Elementals, Snow Elementals and Oozes, I find my weapon to get worn out in no time.... I can easily drop 200 points of durability in one Spawn...

    So, spending time trying to get Snow Sculpture drops when, infact, they cannot drop any longer because some other player reached the set CAP of their drop number and then abandoned the Spawn, and there is not enough players to be able to advance the Spawn and get it to reset, not only can waste a player's time all for nothing, not even for some inexistant pixels in an online game, but, actually, if it is a Warrior trying to get some Snow Sculpture drops, he/she would also see his/her Weapon and suit get worn out and loose durablity, and quite fast, too...

    Frankly, I really think that a MESSAGE to players warning them that the CAP for Snow Sculpture drops at the Spawn has been met, and no more are going to be awarded, should be given to characters when fighting the Spawn so that, if there is not a sufficient number of players to actually advance the Spawn progress and kill the Boss, the players can avoid wasting their time with that Spawn....

    @Kyronix , please ?
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