Extreme server lag in the event areas due to bots?

Hello everyone,

In the last 2 weeks I am having extremely bad server lag at the event areas. I checked multiple settings and I am quite confident that the problem is happening on the server side and it's only happening on the event areas.

I am quite a bit confident that this is related to number of bots running at the event area 24/7. Does anyone know if there's a part of the event area that is not lagging 24/7? I would like to go there and start hunting there.

Until recently when I drank glorious fortune potion, I could usually get around 50 items before the potion run out. These days thanks to the lag I'm not getting as much. It seems like drinking the potions is a waste of money now.

Let me know if there are some parts of the event area that I am missing it's not lagging 24/7.
Thanks a lot everyone.


  • usernameusername Posts: 1,023
    edited December 2023
    Maybe once or twice each session I'm hunting in the ToT areas I get about a 1-2 second freeze. I don't hunt in the bot city that is winter spur (snow) area though, I typically go to the waste (desert). It's definitely only happening on the subserver, i.e., won't affect people in Britain or Luna. I think there's a server line around the champ spawn area that splits the island in to two subservers, north and south. But yes, because of all the bots/spawn that's going on and the server not being able to keep up.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
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  • shootgunshootgun Posts: 321
    Thank you so much for letting me know.

    I remember I went to the desert area when the event first started. Then I realized I get more items if I farm beatles. Let me go back to the desert area and see if it is better than beatles area now.

  • The packs of Gargoyle bots flapping around in particular lags me out.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    The packs of Gargoyle bots flapping around in particular lags me out.

    try toggling off gargoyle flying, it may help? 

  • shootgunshootgun Posts: 321
    @username Thanks for the suggestion, that area has a very low spawn rate. i dont think it can be good viable alternative to beetles

    @PlayerSkillFTW I have that turned off already.

    @Mariah see above :p
  • shootgunshootgun Posts: 321
    If anybody else has a good alternatives to beetles please let me know. I would like to get a human and garg chest before  the event is over for my alt characters.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Roughly speaking my areas of hunting are along the lines on this map:

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    shootgun said:
    If anybody else has a good alternatives to beetles please let me know. I would like to get a human and garg chest before  the event is over for my alt characters.

    I'd grab a luck potion or two (either from the store or in game). They give such a large bump to drops (I think the description in store is like "50% more reward points" or something of the such) that you can easily get enough drops for the shogun chest within a potion or two (regardless of bots).
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 645
    edited December 2023
    Mariah said:
    The packs of Gargoyle bots flapping around in particular lags me out.

    try toggling off gargoyle flying, it may help? 

    Already done that. They still lag me.

    If you're lagging up on Fridays on Atlantic in particular, then it might actually just be UWF farming Osiredon the Scalis Enforcer. We've killed Osiredon with so many people before, that when his corpse generates loot, it literally lags the entire server so much that Devs/GMs have shown up to investigate :D
    Pretty funny killing Osiredon, the entire servers lags for 10-15 seconds, then shortly afterwards Kyronix pops up.

  • Kyronix has said:
    Do not discuss unapproved 3rd party programs or clients.  This is something on our radar and we aren't going to discuss any action we are taking publicly.  If you want to comment on this topic email uo@broadsword.com
    This is on their radar
    They are not going to discuss it publically

    so keep posting over and over about it is simply trolling. Have patience, report the bots where you find them then play where the bots aren't and stop posting totally unfounded 'facts' such as that questioned by @vortex
    Thank you.
    im sorry but this has been goin on for years now, if this was true they would have already done something about it.
  • Mariah said:
    The packs of Gargoyle bots flapping around in particular lags me out.

    try toggling off gargoyle flying, it may help? 

        Maybe if the bots & third-party client users were actually punished for ruining the game, 'Packs of gargoyle Bots" wouldn't be causing lag, because they'd be picked up, if mesanna wasn't lying when she said they can detect third-party clients etc.

       The wing-flapping thing does almost nothing anyway...  it's much more effective at allowing the players to see more clearly than it does reducing lag.

     I've tested gargoyle characters on my older machines, which I don't really play UO on anymore, but they'd noticeably lag once there are 3 or more gargoyles on screen, regardless of which form the gargoyles are in (Unless they're invisible or hidden via hiding skill -i added 50.0 hiding to the 3 gargoyle sampires after I figured that out...)  I had to take gargoyles in my group of 10 characters to get the balakai shaman staff in wand form, since they don't drop for humans/elves.  if i take all human/elf characters in my 10-character group, i only see slight lag in the Armory & Bar rooms of shadowguard.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    So this is the conspiracy thread? Where i ask if Mesanna has the ability to detect 3rd party clients why are they not all banned? 
  • the bots i was talking about in my other post was how ive noticed the walking around checking spawn bots dont log in UNTIL the gm's are online. (i have had an EJ banned due to blocking their path and killing them) maybe nothing. maybe something. seems odd.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited December 2023
    Grimbeard said:
    So this is the conspiracy thread? Where i ask if Mesanna has the ability to detect 3rd party clients why are they not all banned? 
    From what I have read on discord groups. People are using them as there is no alternative available for some bugs.

    I’m guessing if popps is getting frustrated over a lich looting 1 shogun arti. People would probably find it exponentially more frustrating to be killed, stat lossed, and fully looted (of non insured items) due to client bugs. 

    Also it seems that some guilds work closely as a team, so if one member of the team is suffering from a bug it would affect negatively all members of the team. 

    I would be pretty annoyed if when I went gray/red my own guild members attacked me due to a bug in their client. I too probably would encourage them to fix their client over kicking them out of the guild and losing friends.

    however none of that excuses botting in trammel. That should be banned.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    Covfefe said:
    Grimbeard said:
    So this is the conspiracy thread? Where i ask if Mesanna has the ability to detect 3rd party clients why are they not all banned? 
    From what I have read on discord groups. People are using them as there is no alternative available for some bugs.

    I’m guessing if popps is getting frustrated over a lich looting 1 shogun arti. People would probably find it exponentially more frustrating to be killed, stat lossed, and fully looted (of non insured items) due to client bugs. 

    Also it seems that some guilds work closely as a team, so if one member of the team is suffering from a bug it would affect negatively all members of the team. 

    I would be pretty annoyed if when I went gray/red my own guild members attacked me due to a bug in their client. I too probably would encourage them to fix their client over kicking them out of the guild and losing friends.

    however none of that excuses botting in trammel. That should be banned.
    Covfefe said:
    Grimbeard said:
    So this is the conspiracy thread? Where i ask if Mesanna has the ability to detect 3rd party clients why are they not all banned? 
    From what I have read on discord groups. People are using them as there is no alternative available for some bugs.

    I’m guessing if popps is getting frustrated over a lich looting 1 shogun arti. People would probably find it exponentially more frustrating to be killed, stat lossed, and fully looted (of non insured items) due to client bugs. 

    Also it seems that some guilds work closely as a team, so if one member of the team is suffering from a bug it would affect negatively all members of the team. 

    I would be pretty annoyed if when I went gray/red my own guild members attacked me due to a bug in their client. I too probably would encourage them to fix their client over kicking them out of the guild and losing friends.

    however none of that excuses botting in trammel. That should be banned.
    Everyone in your guild deserves to be banned 
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