Monsters looting "Of the Shogun" items but not other items ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited November 2023 in General Discussions
May I ask why MoBs loot "of the Shogun" items but not normal armor, jewellery or weapons which are not insured ?

At least, that is what I noticed... I carried several assorted items in my backpack not insured... armor, jewellery, weapons and some "of the Shogun" items.

Well, I noticed that if I let myself die from or around certain MoBs, they of course looted my corpse but, oddily, they would disregard the looting of armor, jewellery or weapons which were normal BUT did loot my not insured "of the Shogun" drop items... excuse me ?

Likely it was just the RNG roll of the dice or was it instead that it is coded to happen like this, if I may ask ?

If so, WHY let them steal "of the Shogun" items when players invest their time to get these drops and if a MoB looting them is not a Paragon, there is high chances that a looted "of the Shogun" item will get lost because, in between the time that the player gets ressed, likely that MoB which looted their "of the Shogun" drop item was killed by some other player and its corpse fastly decayed.

Please, make it so that MoBs are prevented to loot "of the Shogun" drops considering that players spend their time trying to get them, and loosing them to MoBs looting them and then getting killed and having their corpse fastly decay taking the looted "of the Shogun" items away for good, seems not right to me.



  • TimTim Posts: 839
    They do it because it is part of and always has been part of the event.

    Filed this request under please push the easy button for me I'm to lazy to do it myself. 
    There are way too many ways to avoid this "problem" then to list here.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Use the anti Pilfer totem that you requested?

    They steal my stacks of Apples or Petals before they loot other items.

    Also like I have said before, carry an unopened  paragon chest with you, they love to steal from that.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Pawain said:
    Use the anti Pilfer totem that you requested?

    They steal my stacks of Apples or Petals before they loot other items.

    Also like I have said before, carry an unopened  paragon chest with you, they love to steal from that.
    That lasts for 2 hours, daily, what if a player, perhaps on a weekend, can play more then 2 hours in a day ?

    The entire purpose of the Event is to kill MoBs to get drops to be turned in for points to then claim Rewards.

    Why on earth is it permitted that players thus can loose those drops to Monsters looting them which have been had their corpses decay in seconds in order to limit lag at the Events ?

    At the very least, ONLY Paragons should be permitted to loot "of the Shogun" drop items since their corpses stay around for longer thus giving sufficient time to a player to retrieve their looted :of the Shogun" items.

    But non Paragon MoBs ? No way, they should be barred, to my opinion, to be able to loot "of the Shogun" uninsured items from players, period.

    That is at least how I see it.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    I'd suggest that rather than not being able to loot that the monsters should in fact be able to actively steal directly from your pack and perhaps once a day reds should be given access to all tot areas
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Tim said:
    They do it because it is part of and always has been part of the event.

    Filed this request under please push the easy button for me I'm to lazy to do it myself. 
    There are way too many ways to avoid this "problem" then to list here.
    Easy ?

    When there is players in UO, to my understanding, using some Third Party utilities, not approved and, to my understanding, not legal to be used, who have, among other useful features, an "auto insure" mode for drops so that they do not need to worry (and spend time) to do it ?

    THIS, is easy mode gameplay, IMHO, not the players who only use the official Client and, thus, do not have such handy feature (among others also available from these Third Party utilities....) available for their gameplay....

    At least in the Classic Client, especially with these drops which are very dark and not easy to be seen in one's own backpack, in order to make sure to insure them and not to miss them the insure Menu is needed to be pulled up (not the single item insure) and that takes time in turning the various pages, especially if one has many insurable items in one's own character's backpack, clutters the screen even if it is transparent and can spell for trouble if one pulls it up in a not so safe location (all things which take precious time away)....

    So, it is understandable that players would pull up the insure Menu not for every single drop, but every "few" drops so as not to waste too much time, and this can spell for loss of not insured "of the Shogun" items to non Paragon MoBs who have their corpse set to have an unusually fast decay time.

    I am sorry, but I really think that MoBs should be forbidden to loot "of the Shogun" items.... at least, this way players only using the official Client would not be at such a gross disadvantage for this vs. UO players who, instead, use certain unapproved Third Party utilities who give them the advantage to be able to "auto insure" the "of the Shogun" drops without them needing to bother about doing it manually, for every single drop which they get...

    They just go around killing stuff and their Third Party utilities does the automatic insuring for them as they drop in their backpack, I understand...

    Players who use only the official Client do not have this ability.

    MoBs should be stopped to have the ability to loot "of the Shogun" items, I am of the opinion, it is the right thing to do so that players using only the official Client would no longer be, over this, at a disadvantage as compared to other fellow players who, instead, as I understand it, can use certain Third Party utilities with the "auto insure" feature for drops.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Grimbeard said:
    I'd suggest that rather than not being able to loot that the monsters should in fact be able to actively steal directly from your pack and perhaps once a day reds should be given access to all tot areas
    So that players using, to my understanding, certain unapproved Third Party utilities with an "auto insure" feature for drops can get an even wider advantage over players only using the official client and thus lacking this "auto insure" ability for drops ?

    Thanks but no.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Let us not discuss the use of third party utilities.
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