Continue to ensure fairness and integrity in the gaming experience for all players=Ban cheat clients
Let's continue this trend of "ensure fairness and integrity in the gaming experience for all players" by only allowing 1 EJ per IP by banning players that use the cheat clients.
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I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.

I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.

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Why not start easy...
Option to filter out animations on fields/disable spell particles?
Percentages on status bars by 1% increments?
Party bars not completely messing up when a member relogs?
Actual gold/plat amount visible in insurance menu, not just 999,999,999+ if you have over a plat?
Auction safe shows buyer's full name to safe owner, not just A******?
Really, how hard could these things be?
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.