Get rid of the automatically running characters asap !!

I first realized those scripts at the egg collecting event. These characters ran straight from egg to egg picking them up. Some time later characters were and still are doing champ spawns totally automatic. And now they are running around in the ice area or the desert.
They run straight from monster to monster killing them. They even run out of ice area with strong paragons.

Another annoying part is when you want to fight those strong paragons and run near them to get the paragon run towards you. The scripter is on its way out, but when you are the target of the paragon, they get back in get targeted by the paragon and run out again. This can go on and on sometimes.

Please get rid of the scripters now as soon as possible or I am pretty sure it will get even worse in the future.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,574
    You are describing the actions of 90% of UO players that are doing their first event.  And 40% that have done them all.  The bots should add Sorry, Sorry to overhead chat as they run so you know which are bots I guess.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    Its pretty obvious which are bots and which are not. Noone can exactly run from monster to monster without moving to far or to short, instantly starting after a monster is dead, they follow paragons running away from them exactly. Its really easy to identify them and I am sorry if you cant, but GMs should act and ban them.
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