Bracers of Alchemical Devestation {Replica}
The Human/Elf version of this item drops as Bone Arms, with "mage armor" so the item is med-able, but you also have the choice to remove Mage Armor, to sacrifice med-ability for +3 bonus LMC.
The Bug: The Gargoyle version drops as "Gargish Leather Arms", which is regular leather thus is always med-able, While other "Bone Arms" artifacts such as the Cuffs of the Archmage are Bone Arms and when they're Altered, they become "Gargish Stone Arms"
Fix the Gargoyle version of Bracers of Alchemical Devestation drop as "Gargish Stone Arms" with Mage Armor please.
Note: the Non-repilica version of this item alters into the correct item Bone Arms -> Stone Arms.
Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage.
Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!
