Treasures of the Feudal Lands Creature Fame List

Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
edited November 2023 in General Discussions
Kyronix said:
The fame of the monster is only used to calculate how many points are available for distribution.  Once that calculation is made, distribution is awarded based on position on the list....
ToT points: party penalty (!?) - Ultima Online Forums (

With that in mind, here is a list of creature fame. This is compiled from UO Guide and Stratics. Not every creature in this Treasures event is listed, but most are. Fame may be different for Treasures creatures and fame may be very different for Treasures paragons. Use as you see fit.

Creature Fame Paragon (+40%)
Bird 150 210
Bone Knight 3000 4200
Bone Magi 3000 4200
Crane ? ?
Deathwatch Beetle 1400 1960
Deathwatch Beetle Hatchling 700 980
Dread Spider 5000 7000
Elite Ninja 8500 11900
Evil Mage 2500 3500
Evil Mage Lord 10500 14700
Fan Dancer 9000 12600
Frost Mite ? ?
Gaman 2000 2800
Giant Black Widow 3500 4900
Giant Spider 600 840
Gore Fiend 1500 2100
Hiryu 18000 25200
Hiryu (Lesser) 10000 14000
Ice Elemental 4000 5600
Jack Rabbit 150 210
Kappa 1700 2380
Lady of the Snow 15000 21000
Lava Serpent 4500 6300
Lich 8000 11200
Orc 1500 2100
Orc Captain 2500 3500
Polar Bear 1500 2100
Predator Hellcat 2500 3500
Ronin 8500 11900
Rune Beetle 15000 21000
Shade 4000 5600
Skeletal Dragon 22500 31500
Skeletal Knight 3000 4200
Skeletal Mage 3000 4200
Skeleton 450 630
Spectre 4000 5600
Tsuki Wolf 8500 11900
Walrus 150 210
Wraith 4000 5600
Zombie 600 840


  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,725
    Thanks. Fits well with difficulty.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,853
    I got a drop for killing a hawk.  I wonder what it's fame was.
  • You forget Revenant Lion ;)

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,170Moderator
    TimSt said:
    I got a drop for killing a hawk.  I wonder what it's fame was.
    Probably not very much but if your points pot was 99.99% full you only needed 0.01% to fill it. :D
  • shootgunshootgun Posts: 321
    Only if the skeletal paragons were not such a death trap....  I think one of them killed me in one hit once. Must be a pretty bad roll on my part...
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,387
    Have to wonder how this table’s information relates to drops.  Think about a week in I decided to stop killing beetles wholesale and concentrate on the undead.  My drop rate got better.  Was going to ask if killing beetle paragons was worth the effort.  There are a lot of them but in the time it takes to kill one, I could kill a half dozen of any of the normal undead.  Now mostly I just paralyze them and go after other stuff. As for the skel. dragons, I can take down the normal ones with three or four hits in less than a minute and little risk, but the paras would take me a long, long time and at least a few deaths.  My strategy so far has been to leave the beetles except for the rune beetles that drop in from time to time alone, kill all of the normal stuff that typically comes after me, kill the paras I can kill quickly and to leave the ones that take a longer time to kill alone unless I can help another player to drop one.  That seems to work for me and be consistent with what I see in this table.  Thanks for posting it.  I usually play a mage and find the Waste ideal for for that character.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,725
    Arnold7 said:
    Have to wonder how this table’s information relates to drops.  Think about a week in I decided to stop killing beetles wholesale and concentrate on the undead.  My drop rate got better.  Was going to ask if killing beetle paragons was worth the effort.  There are a lot of them but in the time it takes to kill one, I could kill a half dozen of any of the normal undead.  Now mostly I just paralyze them and go after other stuff. As for the skel. dragons, I can take down the normal ones with three or four hits in less than a minute and little risk, but the paras would take me a long, long time and at least a few deaths.  My strategy so far has been to leave the beetles except for the rune beetles that drop in from time to time alone, kill all of the normal stuff that typically comes after me, kill the paras I can kill quickly and to leave the ones that take a longer time to kill alone unless I can help another player to drop one.  That seems to work for me and be consistent with what I see in this table.  Thanks for posting it.  I usually play a mage and find the Waste ideal for for that character.
    Yes spending minutes on a paragon will not yield as many drops as killing 20 or 30 other mobs in that time frame.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    edited November 2023
    TimSt said:
    I got a drop for killing a hawk.  I wonder what it's fame was.
    Hawk, Wren, Sparrow, etc. are all 150 Fame. At least according to UO Guide and Stratics. I just put them all under the "Bird" category.

    You forget Revenant Lion ;)
    UO Guide
    Revenant Lion 2500 3500

    Revenant Lion 4000 5600

    There are probably more missing from the table. Anyone else can add to the list if you'd like. However, I'll reiterate that I'm not sure:
    1. How accurate this information is to begin with.
    2. How relevant the information on these sites is to the "Treasures of..." events.

    Arnold7 said:
    Have to wonder how this table’s information relates to drops.  Think about a week in I decided to stop killing beetles wholesale and concentrate on the undead.  My drop rate got better.  Was going to ask if killing beetle paragons was worth the effort.  There are a lot of them but in the time it takes to kill one, I could kill a half dozen of any of the normal undead. 
    This is really the crux of the "Treasures..." events.

    Let's say this table can be used to compare creatures, even if the exact numbers are different during "Treasures..." events, and just make up some numbers.

    A Wraith is 4000 fame, but only takes 1 hit to kill.
    A Skeletal Dragon is 22500 fame, but takes 4 hits to kill.

    If you could find and kill 4 Wraiths in the same 4 hit timeframe it takes to kill the Skeletal Dragon, you'd only be at (4 x 4000) = 16000 fame. Without other gameplay factors, the Skeletal Dragon would be a better return on investment.

    However, there are other game play factors. Wraiths are plentiful and pose far less of a threat than Skeletal Dragons. As such, Wraiths or other low level / high fame spawn, are going to produce far more return for time invested for many templates. Additionally, whatever you're killing is going to have a chance to respawn as a paragon. Wraith Paragons are still easy kills for almost all templates, while Skeletal Dragon Paragons are beyond the capabilities of many templates and can be real time sinks even for those templates capable of slaying them. 

    Just to compare paragons:

    A Wraith Paragon is 5600 fame and still only takes 1 hit to kill.
    A Skeletal Dragon Paragon is 31500 fame, but takes 25(?) hits to kill. (For those who can survive.)

    If you killed 25 Wraith Paragons that would be (25 x 5600) = 140,000 Fame, or ~100k Fame more than a Skeletal Dragon Paragon. For a hit to hit match, is it easier for you to kill 25 Wraith Paragons or 1 Skeletal Dragon Paragon?

    For a fame match, you wouldn't need to kill 25 Wraith Paragons.
    6 Wraith Paragons (6 x 5600) = 33,600 fame. Slightly more than a Skeletal Dragon Paragon. Can you kill 6 Wraith Paragons in the time it takes you to kill 1 Skeletal Dragon Paragon?

    The Wraiths don't even need to be paragons.
    8 Wraiths (8 * 4000) = 32,000 fame. Slightly more than a Skeletal Dragon Paragon. Can you kill 8 normal Wraiths in the time it would take you to kill 1 Skeletal Dragon Paragon?

    Now you can see why the Sampire bot swarms are ignoring the paragons.

    If you're solo, it's probably a lot easier to just ignore some of the high-level paragons and wipe out groups of the low-level creatures.

    If you're in a party and can kill a Skeletal Dragon Paragon in, let's say, 20 sec., then ya, playing in Winter Spur with all the high-end mobs would be the way to go.

    Which tees up the new Meta in UO: X-Healing Paladin bot swarms!

    As a community, we were already aware of all these interactions, but sometimes it's helpful to actually see the numbers. 

    For my particular template, the sweet spot is Evil Mage Lords (1 hit kills for ~10k Fame) and Ladies of the Snow (3-4 hit kills for ~ 15k Fame), but only because I can also easily handle the paragon versions of both those creatures, so my killing speed isn't slowed significantly when paragons spawn.
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