Health bars: Can you please show accurate percentages?

So the health bars can only show values in 4% increments. It is blatantly obvious when you fight a boss with several thousand hitpoints, you do damage and the bar doesn't move for a minute and suddenly drops down by 4%.
I can understand, why this maybe was a thing 26 years ago. You only have to cover a range of 25 values, which fit into 5 bits and on top of that you have to send an update less frequently, since the value changes less frequently. This probably was quite beneficial given the network bandwithds back in the days. You also didn't have these bosses with huge health pools back then, which made is less obvious.

I would really appreciate, if that can be updated, so we can actually see some movement on the health bar, when fighting such bosses with huge health pools. If we could see the accuarte percentage value, it would be a huge improvement. For a boss with 10k+ HP I probably wouldn't mind seeing one digit after the comma too.


  • It seems with high levels of animal lore / anatomy, that could make you eligible to receive a more accurate view.  (passive bonus of the skills).
  • ThrakkarThrakkar Posts: 46
    edited October 2023
    Not sure, what you mean.
    My Tamer has 120 Animal Lore and several other chars of mine have 100-120 Anatomy. I have never expericed any passive bonus, which would give me a more fine grained reading of the health bar.
    If you mean to lore the mob, that does not work. (Well, you see the lore gump, but if the boss exceeds a certain amount of hitpoints, you just see 3 question marks (???) where the number of hitpoints should be displayed.)

    The problem with the healthbar is of technical nature. Not game mechanics related.
  • It seems with high levels of animal lore / anatomy, that could make you eligible to receive a more accurate view.  (passive bonus of the skills).

    "could" is the key word.  It could be a change to the game...
  • ThrakkarThrakkar Posts: 46
    edited October 2023
    Ah, ok.

    Well, like I said, it is a technical issue. This has to be fixed in any case, even if they aim for your solution. And once it is fixed, the question is, why gate it behind skills? I don't really see, how that would improve anything.
  • Thrakkar said:
    why gate it behind skills? I don't really see, how that would improve anything.
    I'd do that for realism.  If you read the description for some of the skills like anatomy, it implies that imparts more knowledge of how to deal/assess damage etc.

    I mean, consider "The Terminator".  You'd need some intimate knowledge of how that thing operated to know how close to defeat it is, right?
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    edited October 2023
    Trust me, I've said this before time and time again. It's crazy that a simple QOL update like this, in 1% increments, HAS NOT BEEN ADDED TO THE GAME. WHY WOULD SOMETHING LIKE THIS BE SO HARD:

    UO really should be taken out back and put down at this point. We can't get simple things like this, but, we'll get the new game that no one asked for that has sucked 4-6 years of development time. Absolutely dumb.
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  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    The ??? was a thing back when mobs were new and no one knew the HPs, but I agree its long overdue for a change, as are many things. It should have taken a dev all of 5 minutes to put high level Tmaps on Dread Pirates like they were advertised. @kyronix, to my knowledge hasn't even acknowledged that they've never spawned at any level. But it was very important to nerf the Doom guardians .
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