EM Event Schedule | November 2023

EM NihilEM Nihil Posts: 269Event Moderator
edited October 2023 in Balhae

Here’s the event schedule for November

Main Event - SECRET | The Vision of the Dead

Friday, November 10th 9PM KST (GMT+9)

Meeting Place: Trammel, Britain EM Hall

Agent Daria performed the ritual that learned from legendary necromancer Maabus to save Ryan Reed. But it was a his trap to take Ryan Reed’s body. Hawkwind already seen it and gave an advice so Daria able to defeat him and brought Ryan back. Although he became undead but at least Britannia have chance to stop the SECRET once again. Now it’s their turn to take action against them. Endgame is near...


Please do not cast mass spells causing lag except for combat purpose. It causes too much lag to the others and EM as well to proceed the event scenario and may delay the event.

Please do not cast gate travel to anyone nearby that may lead the others accidentally get into. I’ve been witness someone who did on purpose multiple times, and such action shall not be tolerated in future.

If EM witness inappropriate actions including above, EM will deal with them; not just pause the event and warn them but also report to GMs to take care of.

**Event Chat Channel - Balhae EM Event

Make sure that you’re in correct chat channel to miss any words from EM!

Mini Event: Cavalry’s Here

Friday, November 24th 09:00PM KST (GMT+9)

Meeting Place: Trammel, Britain EM Hall

Are you having trouble with finding someone to play with? This will be the day you can get along with the others! Community day may offer you a chance to do something you couldn’t do in your daily lives. Join the community day and get into adventures you desired! Companions are awaiting for you!

There’s also M&G as well! We’ll share anything good, bad, suggestion, feedback for this year and next! 

Governor Meeting

There’s no governor meeting this month due to we don’t have much active governors at this time. However, if you’re interested in this position and willing to do its duty, please send an email. But you must qualified for the position to be appointed. Following royal cities and citizens are awaiting governors:

  • Britain
  • Jhelom
  • Minoc
  • Moonglow
  • New Magincia
  • Trinsic

See you in Britannia.

EM Nihil

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