Classic Client warning message to repair item : at what durability it triggers ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited October 2023 in General Discussions
In the Classic Client, and I guess also in the Enhanced Client, when an item's durability gets too low, a message comes up on screen warning that the item needs to be repaired.

And that is good.

Thing is, that I just noticed up my screen that my Corrupted Paladin Vambraces needed repairs and their durability when I checked was at 1 point !!

Thankfully, they repaired the first attempt otherwise, getting to 0 durability, I would have lost them for breaking...

Question is, at how many drability points do the warning messages that a given item needs to be repaired start showing in the Classic Client ?

The reason for asking, is that for a Warrior the screen, at least in the Classic Client, is cluttered with messages from the Leeches and what not so, it is quite easy to miss the repairs warning message...

I mean, I only noticed it when my item was down to 1 durability !!!
This means, if the message starts showing at a higher durability, that I missed seeing all of the previoius warning messages...

So, I wondered at how many points did the message start coming up and, whether in the Classic Client the user can customize at how many points of left durability the message starts showing up so that, to make sure, I can set it like starting at 20 or so durablity points left...

I mean, if every point lost of durability the message pops up, starting at 20 I would have more chances to see the message showing, even when fighting continuously...


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    I see you played long enough to wear down an items durability.  Congrats.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    Powder if fortification   Heard of it?  And no I am not interested in a essay from you 
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    I’m not exactly sure what the logic is for these durability repair messages. They seem to appear almost randomly sometime after 50 remaining durability. 

    Pincos, I believe, does color code items on the paper doll to represent decreasing durability, as most modern MMOs do. 

    But none of are here to play a modern MMO, right?
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    I use pinco's  its amazing
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    It starts at 5
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    @popps your weapon does not break and go poof at 0/255.  It starts reducing the 255.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited October 2023
    Chrille said:
    It starts at 5
    Thank you for the information.


    If it starts at 5, it "can" happen that it gets lost in the tons of on screen messages that appear on a Warrior screen when fighting, at least in the Classic Client...

    And if one only notices it when at 1 durability point left (that is, they miss the previous 4 warning messages...), like it happened to me, and fails to repair the item with only 1 durability left, the item breaks and is lost for good, is that right?

    If so, @Kyronix , would it be possible to please increase the triggering of the warning messages at like 20 so that there is more chances to notice the warning message before it is too late ?

    Even better, if the player could customize at how many durability points left, the repair warning messages start showing up on screen.

    Thank you.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    popps said:
    Chrille said:
    It starts at 5
    Thank you for the information.


    If it starts at 5, it "can" happen that it gets lost in the tons of on screen messages that appear on a Warrior screen when fighting, at least in the Classic Client...

    And if one only notices it when at 1 durability point left (that is, they miss the previous 4 warning messages...), like it happened to me, and fails to repair the item with only 1 durability left, the item breaks and is lost for good, is that right?

    If so, @ Kyronix , would it be possible to please increase the triggering of the warning messages at like 20 so that there is more chances to notice the warning message before it is too late ?

    Even better, if the player could customize at how many durability points left, the repair warning messages start showing up on screen.

    Thank you.
    Ok real slow like it can get to 0 255 times before it breaks @popps ;
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    I repeat.  @popps your weapon does not break and go poof at 0/255.  It starts reducing the 255.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    Remember refute without insult 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Before I set off from home I have a check list, perhaps you should have one too?
    I check:
    1. bandage supplies
    2. Orange petal supplies
    3. Tithing points
    4. condition of all armor parts. Repair where needed
    5. condition of all weapons I expect to use. Repair where needed.
    6. Bag of Sending charges
    8. Insured replacement dragon barding
    9. Any other supplies relevant for the proposed hunt. (potions, apples, fish pies etc)
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    How do you repair it if the durability is down to 1.  Whenever I repair something using the repair bench the durability of the repaired item is always one less than what I started with?  
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Pawain said:
    I repeat.  @ popps your weapon does not break and go poof at 0/255.  It starts reducing the 255.


    When I fail a repair, I always loose 1 point of durability....

    When I succeed a repair, it repairs the item but the durability CAP goes down of 1 point.

    If an item gets to 0 durability points, and I fail a repair the item does not  break but the durability CAP goes down 1 point ?

    I thought the item broke....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Before I set off from home I have a check list, perhaps you should have one too?
    I check:
    1. bandage supplies
    2. Orange petal supplies
    3. Tithing points
    4. condition of all armor parts. Repair where needed
    5. condition of all weapons I expect to use. Repair where needed.
    6. Bag of Sending charges
    8. Insured replacement dragon barding
    9. Any other supplies relevant for the proposed hunt. (potions, apples, fish pies etc)
    I usually do that too... but it can happen, that I see an item that is, say, at like 40-50 durability points so not yet "ripe" for a repair (each repair drops the CAP 1 point, and fails too) and say to myself that I will repair it a bit later...

    Then, I get into the fights at Tokuno and totally forget about it.... the continuous fighting wears down the item and I find myself, if I can see the warning messages on screen, with an item that has only left a handful of durability points... as I said, it happened today with 1 item left with only 1 durability point when I finally saw the message in the midst of all other on screen messages...
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Arnold7 said:
    How do you repair it if the durability is down to 1.  Whenever I repair something using the repair bench the durability of the repaired item is always one less than what I started with?  
    Well, it repaired the item but the durability CAP was lowered of 1 point...

    For example, the item was like 1/245 .... after repairing it it was 244/244.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    popps said:
    Pawain said:
    I repeat.  @ popps your weapon does not break and go poof at 0/255.  It starts reducing the 255.


    When I fail a repair, I always loose 1 point of durability....

    When I succeed a repair, it repairs the item but the durability CAP goes down of 1 point.

    If an item gets to 0 durability points, and I fail a repair the item does not  break but the durability CAP goes down 1 point ?

    I thought the item broke....
    I haven't failed a repair in ages, in fact I think they got rid of failure when they came out with repair deeds.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    popps said:
    Pawain said:
    I repeat.  @ popps your weapon does not break and go poof at 0/255.  It starts reducing the 255.


    When I fail a repair, I always loose 1 point of durability....

    When I succeed a repair, it repairs the item but the durability CAP goes down of 1 point.

    If an item gets to 0 durability points, and I fail a repair the item does not  break but the durability CAP goes down 1 point ?

    I thought the item broke....
    I haven't failed a repair in ages, in fact I think they got rid of failure when they came out with repair deeds.
    They fail when below 5. But usually just once. It's not a big deal.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    As a rule I try and repair anything when it falls below 100, to cut down on multiple failures. 

    Not to hijack the thread, but ages ago I mocked up a gump that, like our secure transfer window, would create an interaction between a crafter and a client where the client could place their item into the window for repair and it would show the odds of a successful repair with durability loss and the numerical chance of a repair without durability loss. Just some sort of mechanic to bring a player interaction back to the repair of items. Deeds are great, as is the repair bench, but I'd love to see the "crafter setup at the forge in Britain" gameplay return.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    SHOCKING. Are you a vet player Popps?

    Why are you asking/arguing about something you should have knowledge on

    0/255 do you think this will break? REALLY?

    there is no way with your track record that you got vambraces down to 1/1, THIS will break

    Just when I thought I have seen it all from you

    Do you even know about repairing, PoF  crafting?


    Once again, friends, guild mates and Gen Chat will save you further embarrassment

    another days worth of event gamete wasted.........
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    I guess was not sure which durability stat. we were talking about.  Thought it was the cap.  Agree cap goes down one point with every repair attempt regardless of the result.  Based on my experience if cap is close to 255 repair usually works on first try.  But at a certain level repair starts to fail more often and item starts to wear out much faster so it is better to just forgo repairing the item at that point.  Usually for me, I stop repairing the item at around 190 or so because failures start to be more often at that point.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    I've had one item break ever and that was a brittle 30 splinter wakizashi repond slayer I used at spawns 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
     You must remember to replace before durability gets too low.  Usually if I remember, I replace at 0/2 or so.  But at events sometimes forget and really low stuff breaks.  Usually don’t see the message because of all the action.  Only know it broke because something that depended on it stopped working, or noticed it was gone when logging in or out.  Although self repair items do seem to last forever, like that.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Perhaps you can get a Dev to call you on your cell to inform you when it has dropped to 5 durability ? Since you're too busy with too many warrior messages to notice ? I"m sorry but even "I" have sort of had enough with your issues that are easily investigated by yourself, but you refuse to do it. It would have had sooooooo much more value had you made a post saying

    Hey guys, I've figured out that durability loss is first reported in the Classic Client at ???/???. Instead you always want someone else to tell you everything,or to figure everything else out for you.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Who has time to read all the messages?  Have to admit usually equipment damaged message but honestly running around to much to see the rest of them.  Maybe seeing a few more now than a year ago. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited October 2023
    Arnold7 said:
      Based on my experience if cap is close to 255 repair usually works on first try.  But at a certain level repair starts to fail more often and item starts to wear out much faster so it is better to just forgo repairing the item at that point.  Usually for me, I stop repairing the item at around 190 or so because failures start to be more often at that point.
    None of the parts included in this quote are correct.

    A 4/255 item has the same failure rate as a 4/100 item.

    Repairs fail more often if you wait until the item has low durability. Some say that is 20 or 40 or 100.  I usually wait till I get the message and the item is 1 - 5. I fail less than 50% at those numbers.  I do use Mariahs check list during events because you are constantly fighting.  So I do not have to worry about repairs until the next day.

    There is no reason to stop at 190.  I have imbued weapons that the maker forgot to use powder on. They last many months.  I have talismans that are in the 60s because I could not figure out which item was giving me the message, they have lasted years.

    If you are going to play these events for an hour or more.  Use Mariahs pre play check list so that you can have an enjoyable time.

    This is correct from your post:
     Agree cap goes down one point with every repair attempt regardless of the result.

    Which leads to:
    popps said:
    I usually do that too... but it can happen, that I see an item that is, say, at like 40-50 durability points so not yet "ripe" for a repair (each repair drops the CAP 1 point, and fails too) and say to myself that I will repair it a bit later...

    Then, I get into the fights at Tokuno and totally forget about it.... the continuous fighting wears down the item and I find myself, if I can see the warning messages on screen, with an item that has only left a handful of durability points... as I said, it happened today with 1 item left with only 1 durability point when I finally saw the message in the midst of all other on screen messages...

    So, this method is not working for you.  Why are you arguing?
    You will find repairing when items are below 100 at your pre play check will over all wear out a lot slower than those you decide not to repair and wait for the message.

    What exactly are you expecting the devs to do?

    If you are repairing smith items, make a deed while holding a +60  hammer to make 180 deeds.  I doubt those deeds will ever fail.

    I always hold a +60 hammer when making anything but iron barding deeds, always exceptional.
    It does take a charge away even if you craft with another tool.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Pawain said:

    If you are going to play these events for an hour or more.  Use Mariahs pre play check list so that you can have an enjoyable time.

    He can't play for an hour, remember he asked if the luck timer stopped when he logs off.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    This is where he goes quiet or thinks up another nonsensical thread 

    now he has discovered he is at fault and there is no way to mass debate this topic any longer 
  • This is where he goes quiet or thinks up another nonsensical thread 

    now he has discovered he is at fault and there is no way to mass debate this topic any longer 
    Oh, he never let that stop him before.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited October 2023
    Perhaps you can get a Dev to call you on your cell to inform you when it has dropped to 5 durability ? Since you're too busy with too many warrior messages to notice ? I"m sorry but even "I" have sort of had enough with your issues that are easily investigated by yourself, but you refuse to do it. It would have had sooooooo much more value had you made a post saying

    Hey guys, I've figured out that durability loss is first reported in the Classic Client at ???/???. Instead you always want someone else to tell you everything,or to figure everything else out for you.
    It would just be sufficient, to my opinion, if the warning message to repair a given item ion the Classic Client started, rather then at a durability of 5 points as I understand it is now, like at one of 20 points... since each point lost the message shows up, is my understanding, there would be like 20 messages that one could see and while most might get overseen in the clutter of text which happens when fighting, at least one could get seen... hopefullly, before the durability left gets really too low....

    Or, if possible, the repair item warning message could just show up in a different color then the other fighting text which normally shows up, so to be more visible.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited October 2023
    Pawain said:
    Arnold7 said:
      Based on my experience if cap is close to 255 repair usually works on first try.  But at a certain level repair starts to fail more often and item starts to wear out much faster so it is better to just forgo repairing the item at that point.  Usually for me, I stop repairing the item at around 190 or so because failures start to be more often at that point.
    None of the parts included in this quote are correct.

    A 4/255 item has the same failure rate as a 4/100 item.

    Repairs fail more often if you wait until the item has low durability. Some say that is 20 or 40 or 100.  I usually wait till I get the message and the item is 1 - 5. I fail less than 50% at those numbers.  I do use Mariahs check list during events because you are constantly fighting.  So I do not have to worry about repairs until the next day.

    There is no reason to stop at 190.  I have imbued weapons that the maker forgot to use powder on. They last many months.  I have talismans that are in the 60s because I could not figure out which item was giving me the message, they have lasted years.

    If you are going to play these events for an hour or more.  Use Mariahs pre play check list so that you can have an enjoyable time.

    This is correct from your post:
     Agree cap goes down one point with every repair attempt regardless of the result.

    Which leads to:
    popps said:
    I usually do that too... but it can happen, that I see an item that is, say, at like 40-50 durability points so not yet "ripe" for a repair (each repair drops the CAP 1 point, and fails too) and say to myself that I will repair it a bit later...

    Then, I get into the fights at Tokuno and totally forget about it.... the continuous fighting wears down the item and I find myself, if I can see the warning messages on screen, with an item that has only left a handful of durability points... as I said, it happened today with 1 item left with only 1 durability point when I finally saw the message in the midst of all other on screen messages...

    So, this method is not working for you.  Why are you arguing?
    You will find repairing when items are below 100 at your pre play check will over all wear out a lot slower than those you decide not to repair and wait for the message.

    What exactly are you expecting the devs to do?

    If you are repairing smith items, make a deed while holding a +60  hammer to make 180 deeds.  I doubt those deeds will ever fail.

    I always hold a +60 hammer when making anything but iron barding deeds, always exceptional.
    It does take a charge away even if you craft with another tool.
    What exactly are you expecting the devs to do?

    As I understand, currently the amount of Durability points at which the repair warning message comes on screen is at 5 points left.

    Assuming that each point lost the client sends out 1 warning message, this means 5 messages to be seen in the cluttering of the screen that happens when one fights with the rest of text messages, untill the Durability of the item reaches 0.

    If, for example, the "trigger point" of the repair item warning messages was set to 20 Durability points, rather then 5 as it is now, the player would have like 20 messages to see before the item's Durability reaches 0, rather then the 5 that there are now.

    While it "can" be that out of 5 messages none gets seen, in a screen that is full of other text messages about the ongoing fights, when those messages are 20, because the trigger condition is no longer 5 Durability points but, rather, 20 points, the chances that at least 1 of those repairs warning messages is seen before the Durability reaches 0 are 4 times higher.... (20 instead of 5).

    And, swapping a digit from 5 to 20 in the code, I imagine (but am not sure that would be the only thing that would need to be changed...) would not be "that" much of a big issue, wouldn't it ?
This discussion has been closed.