EC Add center notifications for luck ending and potion of glorious fortune ending
If you, like me, want a more obvious notification of the ending of your hour of luck from a statue or the ending of the hour of glorious fortune than the disappearing of the buff icons, I have a solution for you.
I have created the following two center notifications:

To use them
Download the following two DDS files from my github repository
Add the following lines to the file Textures\Textures.xml at the bottom of the Assets section
I have created the following two center notifications:

To use them
Download the following two DDS files from my github repository
and put them in your "Textures\My Textures" directory
Add the following lines to the file Textures\Textures.xml at the bottom of the Assets section
<Texture name="CST_YouAreFree" file="Textures/"/>Add the following code to the function CenterScreenText.SendCenterScreenTexture in the file sources\CenterScreenText.lua
<!-- start of added entries -->
<Texture name="CST_YOURLUCKJUSTENDED" file="Textures/My Textures/"/>
<Texture name="CST_GLORIOUSFORTUNEJUSTENDED" file="Textures/My Textures/"/>
<!-- end of added entries-->
--start of added codeAdd the following code to the function BuffDebuff.Update in the file source\BuffDebuffWindow.lua
if ( message == "yourluckjustended" ) then
DynamicImageSetTexture( "CenterScreenTextImage", "CST_YOURLUCKJUSTENDED", 0, 0 )
DynamicImageSetTextureDimensions( "CenterScreenTextImage", 640, 80 )
WindowSetDimensions("CenterScreenTextImage", 640, 80 )
WindowSetAlpha("CenterScreenTextImage", 0)
WindowStartAlphaAnimation("CenterScreenTextImage", Window.AnimationType.LOOP, 0.5, 1, 1, false, 0, 3)
local sid = 1065
PlaySound(1, sid, WindowData.PlayerLocation.x,WindowData.PlayerLocation.y,WindowData.PlayerLocation.z)
CenterScreenText.LOWHPMEStarted = false
CenterScreenText.LOWHPPetStarted = false
if ( message == "gloriousfortunejustended" ) then
DynamicImageSetTexture( "CenterScreenTextImage", "CST_GLORIOUSFORTUNEJUSTENDED", 0, 0 )
DynamicImageSetTextureDimensions( "CenterScreenTextImage", 640, 80 )
WindowSetDimensions("CenterScreenTextImage", 640, 80 )
WindowSetAlpha("CenterScreenTextImage", 0)
WindowStartAlphaAnimation("CenterScreenTextImage", Window.AnimationType.LOOP, 0.5, 1, 1, false, 0, 3)
local sid = 62
PlaySound(1, sid, WindowData.PlayerLocation.x,WindowData.PlayerLocation.y,WindowData.PlayerLocation.z)
CenterScreenText.LOWHPMEStarted = false
CenterScreenText.LOWHPPetStarted = false
--end of added coded
elseAdd the following code to the function TextParsing.CenterScreenText in the file source\TextParsing.lua
BuffDebuff.Timers[key] = 0
--start of added code
if( key == 1187 ) then --glorious fortune potion
--end of added code
--start of added code
if ( SystemData.TextID == 1079552) then -- Your luck just ended
--end of added code
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs