EC: artifact notification / luck stat
In EC, there's an old post here that illustrates how to get the artifact splash notification when you get a drop (like the event drops).
If you modify textparsing.lua TextParsing.CenterScreenText() as below, you'll also get a logged message about what your luck was at the time of the drop (enable timestamps in the EC log if you want to have the time logged too).
In case you need to provide that info in reply to broadsword inquiries, etc 

if ( textID == 1152340 ) then -- a reward item has been placed in your backpack. (catches feudal drops).
Debug.PrintToChat(L"Luck at time of artifact drop: ".. towstring(WindowData.PlayerStatus["Luck"]))
One curiosity, why such a gap in between 515 and 1450 Luck ?
On what template was this test done ? Dexer or Spellcasting/Tamer ?
1. Go into the UserInterface folder in your UOEC install directory. It will probably be something like the following:
C:\...\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Enhanced Client > UserInterface
2. Create a new folder here for your custom UI. Call it something cool, like Necronomnom's UI. Within the Necronomnom's UI folder, create a subfolder called Source. The directory structure should now be something like:
C:\...\Ultima Online Enhanced Client > UserInterface > Necronomnom's UI > Source
3. In C:\...\Ultima Online Enhanced Client > UserInterface
Unzip to some location
4. Go to where you unzipped and into the Source folder.
C:\...\Default > Source
Copy textparsing.lua from C:\...\Default > Source
C:\...\Ultima Online Enhanced Client > UserInterface > Necronomnom's UI > Source
5. Make the changes described above to your copy of textparsing.lua (in Necronomnom's UI > Source) and SAVE the file.
(Don't alter the files in the unzipped Default > Source. This will just cause you headaches down the road. Keep those Default files as originals. Make your copies first, then work in the copies. I personally would never have been a big enough idiot to not document changes I made to Default files, have no backups, and have to redownload the EC to get working files again........)
6. Load UO and at the login screen select Necronomnom's UI from the custom UI drop down menu.