Idea sampire setup for ToTs?

usernameusername Posts: 1,025
edited October 2023 in Skills and Stats
Here's what I'm thinking:
120 bush
120 tact
120 sword
100 necro
100 anat
60 parry
Last skill 100 resist? 100 healing? +15 skills on each jewel could get me 120 resist. Would also love to squeeze healing in there for paragons but not looking possible.

Gear. What's best in slot or best gear setup that's currently available? Like, infinite money?

Demon bone chest, paladin vambraces for sure. Weapon = double axe.

I'm not too certain if SSI epaulets even worth it or something else. Same with feudal grip gloves and mace&shields. 

Legs and neck legendary/imbued?

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  • looploop Posts: 480
    I suck and don’t really like Sampires, so I use a more defensive template.

    Mace 120 (real)
    Tactics 120 (real)
    Bushido 120 (at least 80 real)
    Resist 120
    Necro 100
    Heal 100
    Anatomy 100

    780 points. Doable but annoying. Miss out on parry for maximizing special cost reduction.

    I just prefer not to die and to have ways to mitigate poison and to heal.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Heads up - Lack of Chiv is going to leave you with only confidence and leech life as means of healing.

    I think it depends on your plan for the event and what shard you are playing. Honestly if you are on ATL there will probably be enough people running around that your build is fine as it is and I'd go with resist to avoid para and debuffs. If you are going to play a lower pop shard not as busy then things might get a little harry on healing given how spread out things seem to be on TC1 (ie can you leech enough life when low); in that case maybe healing.

    As far as gear goes you have options. I have a traveling dexer (sampire) that I Xshard with that uses all legendary gear and the only artifacts he has is Jumu hide / ozy obi / M&S glasses. With a full set of slayer axes and cameos. The cameos will be costly if you don't have. He's typically done pretty well in these events.

    If you really want to spend the money I also have my stay-at-home dexer (sampire) that has a suit with shard bound artifacts. Suit is comprised of balron chest / paladin arms / archlich gloves / SSI epps / M&S helm / crimson cinture / Jumus / boots of escaping and then legendary gorget & legs. I will likely try to swap in the new mempo to see how that does even though I'll drop down to 51 LMC by doing so. Will also take a look at the new sash in the event it does get +4 stats on it. Again full set of slayers and cameos. This guy has a bit more survive-ability when running into a mob but the killing ability is basically the same as my traveling dexer.

    Long story short, in my opinion, is that it's pretty easy these days to get to 100 damage increase / 1.25 swing / all 70s with respectable stats by simply using legendary stuff and that's all you need for max damage (aka killing-ability). Where you start spending gold is keeping all the killing ability while also maxing out stats / adding skills for surviving (and fighting) high end stuff like a paragon skeleton dragon.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    edited October 2023
    keven2002 said:
    Thanks for the post, very good info.
    Is jewelry still imbued 15hci/15dci/25di with either +skill/stats?
    Archlich gloves is a good call, never thought about that.
    Thinking in my head though, math is hard, doesn't look like you hit 45dci? Or do you? Or does it really even matter that much? I'm out of the loop as you can tell lol

    edit: I forgot about the HCI earrings, derp
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  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    My jewels have HCI/DCI/SSI/DI and stats.

    I have 40 DCI on the suit but I'm capped at 35DCI because my armor is refined for extra Phys/Fire/Energy resist which hits my DCI cap. I haven't had much issue rolling with 35 DCI because most of the stuff for these events aren't super tanky but when things are that's when evade comes in handy. Also having a weapon with HLA will help in the event there is something more tank like.

    I was able to go toe to toe with the paragon rams in Deceit by doing a combo of using a HLA weapon / evade... there were times I would need to run away and heal up but they were still manageable.
  • This event is more for a fencing sampire.  Replace weapon with leafblade.  Feint (halves all incoming damage) AI AI pierce (drops targets hit rate)  use 40 chiv with max karma to heal on non leechable mobs or do a cluster utilizing momentum strike to leech off other critters.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    edited October 2023
    Incase anyone cares, I ended up doing this: 120: swords, tactics, bush, parry, resist, anat.
    The only thing vamp form was doing for me was knocking off occasional lower poisons. 
    If there were greater poison elementals, or larger groups of monsters, vampire form would be for sure needed, but this TOT doesn't seem necessary at all to have vamp form so 99 necro -> 0, make way for a pure 6x120 without having to worry about skilling anything. Leech on weapon seems plenty for the mostly 1v1 fights of this tot.
    In the future, maybe different TOT setup, may go back to sampire or may drop bushido for sword/board and chiv.
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    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
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