Beautify the current UO map

I always wonder why the developers do not team up with the amazing UO community to beautify/redesign the current UO map. I am not talking about reshaping, I am talking about adding details to a house, adding structures, elements, sections and details in general to the world. There are so many talented UO map designers out there - why not connecting it with a contest and implementing all those beautiful emerging replacements of different areas/structures/houses to the current map?


  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    I don't get what you mean exactly. When you say redesign the UO map, do you mean like make changes to the radar map we use to get around? I'd be all for that! 

    Or do you mean offer players a means by which they can decorate the UO landscape?
  • RedSunsetRedSunset Posts: 6
    edited October 2023
    the second one ... there are so many freeshards out there that prove that you can design a very exciting and dense atmosphere with UO. The current original map looks pretty empty compared to those custom maps. I am sure that many would love to do changes to the original map and would love to contribute with their design and changes.
    So overall its not about relocating houses or adding any locations - its more about adding details to get a better game atmosphere. 
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    Decorating tastes are so subjective. I can see where this could be problematic. I've never been on a free shard. I bet there's awesomely decorated sites to see. Just not sure the idea translates well to original UO production shards.

    I'd rather start with allowing us to build our own designs on castle and keep size lots. :-)
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