UO Enhanced Client : what setting am I missing on my screen ?
I just installed UO Enhanced Client on a different computer but, after downloading the updates and launching the game, I get only the play window.... no toolbars and nothing else ?
I can move my character around and I am logged, but with no toolbars and nothing else showing on the screen, it kinda is hard to play.... to exit the client I need to click the X in the upper right corner of the window as the LOGOUT button is not showing...
Furthermore, with a Main Toolbar with the Settings button NOT showing on my screen, I am not sure how I can even change any of the settings .... are there keyboard keys or keys combinations which can be used to pop up the Settings for the Enhanced Client ?
Anyways, anyone has an idea how to fix this ?
Thank you for the kind help.

I can move my character around and I am logged, but with no toolbars and nothing else showing on the screen, it kinda is hard to play.... to exit the client I need to click the X in the upper right corner of the window as the LOGOUT button is not showing...
Furthermore, with a Main Toolbar with the Settings button NOT showing on my screen, I am not sure how I can even change any of the settings .... are there keyboard keys or keys combinations which can be used to pop up the Settings for the Enhanced Client ?
Anyways, anyone has an idea how to fix this ?
Thank you for the kind help.

Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Any other idea of what might be causing this odd occurrance ?
Another weird thing is, that I am logged, I can open doors, and if I hoover with the mouse on containers they do highlight (but I get no text description of anything I hoover the mouse on....) but then, if I double click on the highlighted containers, I cannot open them, not even in my own house....
I can pick up coffee beans off my plants, though... but if I go to a Garden shed with plants ready to harvest seeds and resources and double click them, nothing happens... it really is weird...
I also tried to log in a different character to see whether the issue could be character related but I get the same problems also with the other character so, it seems to be client related....
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I ended up using the Enhanced Client only with the Pinco's UI but, I would like to know "how", with the Pinco's UI installed on the computer, I could still be able to launch the Enhanced Client alone, without the Pinco's UI (with the Default UI selected under Custom UI) without having the issues which I experienced in the OP....
Anyone who uses both, the Enhanced Client with Pinco's UI and also, at times, the Enhanced Client without the Pinco's UI but with the Default UI selected under Custom UI without having the issues that I am having perhaps could help out ?
then of course denying to death any replies
i am. Bit shocked with the “can’t remember” reply above, very un-Popps like
lucky escape
I currently have Pinco's UI.
Do I need to delete Pinco's UI entirely, in order to have a "clean" user config set of files for the DEFAULT UI (is it a folder ? Where at ?) ?
Then, rename that Default UI folder with the user config set of files, install Pinco's UI and also rename that Folder so to then have "either one" to be named appropriatedly whenever I should want to swap in between the Pinco's UI and the Default UI ?
Thanks for the kind help !!
No need to uninstall Pinco's.
Rename the directory
Log into UO and set up your characters
When you want to use Pinco's
Rename the directory
Rename the directory
I think that using different users accounts as you do could be more practical (and faster...).
In that case, do I need to do a "double install" of the Enhanced Client for User Account A and User Account B and of Pinco's UI for only User Account A which will use Pinco ?
That is, 1 User Account will have both the Enhanced Client and Pinco installed while the other User Account will only have the Enhanced Client installed...
Is this what I should do ?
Open the directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Enhanced" in Windows Explorer.
Select uopatch.exe
Press and hold both the control and shift keys
Drag uopatch.exe to the desktop. It should say create link to desktop while you are dragging.
After dragging there should be an icon on the desktop that says "uopatch.exe Shortcut".
Rename the icon to "Ultima Online Enhanced Client"