Town Banners
Town Banners
There are already several of these on Siege, some have been there for years. If you want to see what others have requested, visit any of these towns:
Safehaven, UWSP Town, Bartertown, Gilfane, MotherLode, Honors Landing.
Banner applications should be sent to Please do not email Mesanna directly - think of me as your proof-reader, helping you get everything right before sending it on to our Dark Lady!
Applications need the following details:
1. Town name
2. Town location (please leave a rune to your town in the EM Reward Hall
mailbox if possible)
3. Date the town was founded
4. Number of houses
5. Suggested coordinates for the banner - please note, this cannot be in a house placement location.
6. InsideUO numbers for the components of the banner. This can get a bit technical, if you need help, ask!
7. A jpg image of the proposed banner (Complete and Exploded views if possible - again, ask if you need help.)
8. Please provide the following as well:
A. Define: Which houses are part of the town and what clearly identifies a house as part of the town?
B. Activity: How does your town promote a vibrant community?
C. History: Where can one find more information about the history of your town?
D. Communication: How would visitors to your town normally communicate with its
E. Describe: How does the banner’s design reflect your town and the Siege
Perilous community?
Banner Design
We reserve the right to make changes to your design and its location. Again, the banner must not block house placement. Here is a sample exploded view of a banner’s design.
InsideUO or a similar app should be used to find the correct ID numbers of the components for the proposed banner. It will also help you to construct a picture of the banner. If you ask very nicely, your EM might be able to spend some time doing a mock-up on TC1 with you.
Banners should be limited to a size of 6×6 tiles. Designs should be similar to the Gyldenfeld banner in terms of size, complexity and number of items used. Banner designs that do not meet the requirements will be rejected.
Town Recognition Requirements:
1) Minimum of 5 Establishments in a geographical area that promotes the community of the inhabitants. If you are applying for a tavern or single establishment, it must meet all of the other requirements listed except for point 2 - leadership.
2) Some sort of leadership structure, mayor, council for example.
3) Town Activity, the town should have citizens around at least a few times each month, usually with some announced meetings or events.
4) Must have at least 6 months of history. There should be an archive of records either in game or outside of the game.
5) Web Sites and/or Message Boards, mailbox, books, barkeep or other ways to communicate with citizens, patrons, and visitors. The web site or board usually gives information about what the town is designed for, who the mayor is, and how people can get involved with the town.
A banner placed in the town, gives the town design input.
Special thanks to Mesanna and the Chesapeake, Great Lakes, Origin and Europa Event Moderators for making this possible.