A quick read of the battleye site includes the line
"fast dynamic and permanent scanning of the player’s system using specific and heuristic/generic detection routines for maximum effectiveness."
So yes open up your entire computer system to our scanning so you can play a game. You can trust us we won't be hacked or use this access for anything else.
How would this program differentiate between me pressing buttons and my keyboard or mouse using macros I have set up? Or does it only detect known outside programs?
Also it seems it is only for Steam.
The FAQs are all questions on why it does not work with peoples systems.
Sure, if UO includes anti cheat software in UO, I would still play. When one is free to use, maybe they would consider it. I do not see them increasing the budget to include one.
Are BOTs really that big of a problem or is it all the 3rd party clients / house placing tools and the likes. I haven't seen any resource BOTs in a long time. If UO did manage to get rid of all cheaters would UO survive, I am not saying I am for cheating but I do not want UO to die and some of the features that other programs give would be a nice add on to help the older generation to continue to play.
there are still bots it. but at this point nobody cares about them, the script mining and lumber scripting etc damage has been done a long time ago and hardly anyone seems to want to collect resources so they just help out at this point and a lot of the resources are so cheap which stop a lot from collection them. so the bots win again and to some part so do we i guess.
I think putting resources on ships killed the need for resource bots the bigger problem would indeed be pvp 3rd party clients being used yoshi more of a horse beating broken record than me but has reason to be
Third party clients being used for pvp are the same programs people use to Afk mine/LJ, pvm afk and loot (bots), there's another program that allows for the client controlled by scripts to run basically in the backround, which would let you run many many more clients than your machine would support, if you had run them in legal clients.
If you're truly a legitimate player, there wouldn't be much concern other than security risks, which someone mentioned earlier in the thread.
I'm for it, but I also feel like UO is far beyond the point where cheating players being banned is going to kill the game.. but I am also of the opinion, that if that is the case.. UO isn't worth saving, so there's that.
Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!
I believe UO is worth saving and might run a negative player base/ revenue possibly for a while but in time maybe some old players would come back if word got out that cheat has almost been completely eliminated and bugs are being fixed. But they would have to send out mass emails and do some real advertising as well. imho
"well, bit of a strange move considering they've stopped doing bug fixes themselves and you gotta install the cheat software to get the bug fixes,
but yeah other than that great idea"
Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
"well, bit of a strange move considering they've stopped doing bug fixes themselves and you gotta install the cheat software to get the bug fixes,
but yeah other than that great idea"
without auto-pop boxes, the bug you most often claim is a valid reason to use a third-party client (No Nerve-strike debuff icon) among other similar things, wouldn't matter, because everyone would be in the same boat once again. instead of only the people cheating having these perks & scripts to abuse those perks. it'll level the playing field...
Unfortunately for the cheaters, they're going to be making so many mistakes they're going to be worse at pvp than people who have never pvp'd before, which would be hilarious to watch, but probably too embarrassing for them, they might actually quit.. -if such a thing ever happened. -it'll be a great day & future for UO if it does, assuming it survives the massive dip in garbage players that can't adapt and time things themselves.
Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!
"no, most of the other bugs also fixed in EC, so people would be forced to play EC"
Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
We don't need anything like that, nor would it be effective. The only really effective anti cheats are kernel level and most people don't like kernel level stuff on their PC, for good reason.
By the way, Mesanna&Co. can very easily detect and disable 3rd party clients. They've said/hinted at it several times at M&Gs and what Mesanna has said in game off cuff. We need to be loud and make it clear that the majority of players don't want these clients, and also, we want development time put in to the clients to bring them up to the 2023. It will take time, but that's how Multiboxing finally was made illegal. It took years of complaining and emails but it happened. I believe it was at the 20th anniversary when Mesanna was speaking she announced it was finally illegal. Do the same for these clients: you get paged on, you're using a client, instant 24 hour. Subsequent violations are 48/72/perm. Or, my preferred solution, outright block/perm ban anyone connecting to the servers with one of these clients.
Still can't wait till the people that make these clients ROB everyone that uses them blind. Don't forget, there is ZERO encryption on your UO password: it's exposed as clear as day in the client. Go grab a hex editor and view a client you have logged in.
This discussion has been closed.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums. Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting. Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
just shouldn’t have to play a game with bugs at all, don’t matter if everyone suffers same bugs
its just dumb af to attack your own guild mate or have to scroll through all the targets again when target teleports
they built in a macro to use trapped box so they intended us to use trapped box
but you gotta have a third party program cos no debuff”
Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
Third party clients make the game better for a large number of players. These clients provide quality of life improvements that Broadsword is unable to provide (not a hit at them). Broadsword’s practice of not officially allowing them (security problems being one reason not to do so) but not banning players outright, while wishy-washy, is a compassionate stance. It’s also better for them financially.
However, reasonable people can agree that unattended play, such as the automating of resource gathering, should not be prohibited, regardless of client. This is botting. Even private servers draw the line in this regard.
This might not be the answer but cheating definitely one of UOs biggest problems
What is a bigger problem? Cheating or lack of content? I'd argue they need to focus on getting new stuff in the game before taking on cheating.
All the regular people that aren't looking to cheat and just want to play something new are going to leave at some point when they don't feel like they are getting anything out of their subscription dollars. Eventually the only people that are going to be left are the cheaters either scripting PvM to sell stuff to the PvPers cheating to "be the best".
At that point, they will have no choice but to let people cheat because otherwise the game shuts down.
How would this program differentiate between me pressing buttons and my keyboard or mouse using macros I have set up? Or does it only detect known outside programs?
Also it seems it is only for Steam.
The FAQs are all questions on why it does not work with peoples systems.
Sure, if UO includes anti cheat software in UO, I would still play. When one is free to use, maybe they would consider it. I do not see them increasing the budget to include one.
My guess is, you give them permission to see your running processes.
You and Several Others like this.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
The UO Classic Client has been ill-maintained and has fallen below the standards of an acceptable commercial product. Meanwhile I can't even set a particularly readable font in the Enhanced Client. It's all a real problem even for people with no interest in botting.
Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
I would gladly use the EC if it had a Classic Graphic switch and I understand all about the zoom so disable zoom if you pick CC mode.
I'd use it if they did that and also did some work to make it more legible and usable. Everything is just so fiendishly ugly and hard to read; itty bitty object sprites inside big hotbar boxes, option menus full of tiny black text on blue/grey backgrounds, stuff like that.
I got into Pinco's and it's like something designed by aliens. Like I have to dig through settings and uncheck a box to not have the skills gump locked on to the screen permanently. It's not the biggest deal, but... why? Then the settings menus don't have an "apply" button, so if you're adjusting a slider and your mouse pointer slides off the line, it just applies whatever random value was on the slider at the time. That's super fun when you're adjusting UI scale and it warps the whole screen and closes the menu.
It's just like, what kind of software is this? Come on. People aren't asking much.
I mean I wouldn't say it exactly like that, but it's true that this problem wouldn't be happening to anywhere near the same extent if Broadsword had engaged in a reasonable amount of client maintenance and QoL over the years.
So again I ask what's the magical number of emails needed to get something changed we have multiple people here asking for something do forum request not count? @Mesanna
So again I ask what's the magical number of emails needed to get something changed we have multiple people here asking for something do forum request not count? @ Mesanna
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
So again I ask what's the magical number of emails needed to get something changed we have multiple people here asking for something do forum request not count? @ Mesanna
There is no number. They run UO. They decide if they want to change something. Whether 1 player ask s or none or 100. That's what you can do when you are in charge.
"fast dynamic and permanent scanning of the player’s system using specific and heuristic/generic detection routines for maximum effectiveness."
So yes open up your entire computer system to our scanning so you can play a game. You can trust us we won't be hacked or use this access for anything else.
sent from the office of a Nigerian Prince.
Also it seems it is only for Steam.
The FAQs are all questions on why it does not work with peoples systems.
Sure, if UO includes anti cheat software in UO, I would still play. When one is free to use, maybe they would consider it. I do not see them increasing the budget to include one.
By the way, Mesanna&Co. can very easily detect and disable 3rd party clients. They've said/hinted at it several times at M&Gs and what Mesanna has said in game off cuff. We need to be loud and make it clear that the majority of players don't want these clients, and also, we want development time put in to the clients to bring them up to the 2023. It will take time, but that's how Multiboxing finally was made illegal. It took years of complaining and emails but it happened. I believe it was at the 20th anniversary when Mesanna was speaking she announced it was finally illegal. Do the same for these clients: you get paged on, you're using a client, instant 24 hour. Subsequent violations are 48/72/perm. Or, my preferred solution, outright block/perm ban anyone connecting to the servers with one of these clients.
Still can't wait till the people that make these clients ROB everyone that uses them blind. Don't forget, there is ZERO encryption on your UO password: it's exposed as clear as day in the client. Go grab a hex editor and view a client you have logged in.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
That is not to put them down, they did make some headway, then it all stopped.
Be honest - in the last year or so - has anyone seen the Devs? And I even support them as well, nothing negative against them.
just shouldn’t have to play a game with bugs at all, don’t matter if everyone suffers same bugs
its just dumb af to attack your own guild mate or have to scroll through all the targets again when target teleports
they built in a macro to use trapped box
so they intended us to use trapped box
but you gotta have a third party program cos no debuff”
Third party clients make the game better for a large number of players. These clients provide quality of life improvements that Broadsword is unable to provide (not a hit at them). Broadsword’s practice of not officially allowing them (security problems being one reason not to do so) but not banning players outright, while wishy-washy, is a compassionate stance. It’s also better for them financially.
However, reasonable people can agree that unattended play, such as the automating of resource gathering, should not be prohibited, regardless of client. This is botting. Even private servers draw the line in this regard.
All the regular people that aren't looking to cheat and just want to play something new are going to leave at some point when they don't feel like they are getting anything out of their subscription dollars. Eventually the only people that are going to be left are the cheaters either scripting PvM to sell stuff to the PvPers cheating to "be the best".
At that point, they will have no choice but to let people cheat because otherwise the game shuts down.
My guess is, you give them permission to see your running processes.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
why they forcing people to download them?”
I got into Pinco's and it's like something designed by aliens. Like I have to dig through settings and uncheck a box to not have the skills gump locked on to the screen permanently. It's not the biggest deal, but... why? Then the settings menus don't have an "apply" button, so if you're adjusting a slider and your mouse pointer slides off the line, it just applies whatever random value was on the slider at the time. That's super fun when you're adjusting UI scale and it warps the whole screen and closes the menu.
It's just like, what kind of software is this? Come on. People aren't asking much.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo