How to prove 1000 luck in Fel?



  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Have it show up in the status bar(s). Complete proof of life that way.
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    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    good idea Garth
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Thank you, I made that suggestion in another thread on the other site. If you can walk through a moongate in Tram naked, and pop out in Fel with 1000 luck displayed, I'm a believer. Until then it remains an old wives tale to me. @Kyronix could go a long way by replying though, which to my knowledge he never did on the other site, but he's been a surprising guy over here so far....let's see.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    The bonus for Felucca applies to the generation of loot properties for things like creatures, messages in a bottle treasures, and treasure chests.  In a non-consensual PvP facet you get a 5% bump to base budget, budget bonus, and 1000 luck tacked on to your luck value used in those item property generation calculations.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2018
    Without being able to actually "See" that luck in effect, we have to simply take your word for it though. I know that sounds offensive, but I see no good reason why the luck isn't reflected in the Status bar, that doesn't sound like difficult coding to me. If you're saying the coding is in the loot creation, then we should be able to see better loot on feluccan monsters even if another monster in felucca kills them and not a player, correct ? This is testable.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Because showing it on the status bar would not be an accurate depiction of the bonus.  The +1000 luck bonus only applies in the scenarios I mentioned.  Anywhere else luck is used, the bonus does not apply.  
  • KronalKronal Posts: 84
    I can say from experience that fel loot in general is better.  I have tested this on both facets with the same critters (eternal gazers, MIBs, AW's and UEVs).  Enough of a difference that I tend to go into FEL for most hunting and fishing when possible.
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    How is luck calculated versus what your attempting to kill in felucca.  For example, if im running 1500 luck + 1000 luck bonus and kill an ogre lord, what are my chances of seeing an upgrade in the loot table?  Does the amount of luck need to be less when fighting lesser mobs such as ettins or mongbats etc..?
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    There is no "sweet spot"  for luck.  The higher the better.  When it comes into creating your loot items, luck factors in by having a chance to increase the max budget for the item when applying loot properties.  The bigger the budget, the better the potential loot/higher intensity item properties.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I think players have confirmed that there is a sweet spot. I personally have seen better items come from 1600ish luck than 2500+. But I'm not the game developer, just a 20 yr player, what do I know :P
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    In that situation you are likely seeing the results of the "chance" part of where I said, "luck facotrs in by having a chance..."

    So to elaborate and clarify, there is no "cap" on luck.  Which is to say if RNG favors you with a ton of luck, a very high luck value will factor into budget determination. If there was a "sweet  spot" it would be in getting the RNG to be in your favor to apply your luck bonus.  Personally, I just concentrate on maxing out my luck suit.  Up to you though, I always bet max when wasting money on slot machines :)
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
     How does Luck work when I've got 10 PKers on my a*se? :D
  • Max_BlackoakMax_Blackoak Posts: 655
    could we get the 1000 luck bonus applied everywhere on Siege since all facets here are non-consentual PvP facets?
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Kyronix said:
    In that situation you are likely seeing the results of the "chance" part of where I said, "luck facotrs in by having a chance..."

    So to elaborate and clarify, there is no "cap" on luck.  Which is to say if RNG favors you with a ton of luck, a very high luck value will factor into budget determination. If there was a "sweet  spot" it would be in getting the RNG to be in your favor to apply your luck bonus.  Personally, I just concentrate on maxing out my luck suit.  Up to you though, I always bet max when wasting money on slot machines :)
    I LOVE, and absolutely agree with the last line of your quote! ROFL
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • JatwhalJatwhal Posts: 16
    I'm not the game developer

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Kyronix said:
    Because showing it on the status bar would not be an accurate depiction of the bonus.  The +1000 luck bonus only applies in the scenarios I mentioned.  Anywhere else luck is used, the bonus does not apply.  
    Pardon my ignorance, can someone please list the “anywhere else” instances that luck is used. If we’re not talking about mibs, treasure hunting, or loot. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Mervyn said:
    Kyronix said:
    Because showing it on the status bar would not be an accurate depiction of the bonus.  The +1000 luck bonus only applies in the scenarios I mentioned.  Anywhere else luck is used, the bonus does not apply.  
    Pardon my ignorance, can someone please list the “anywhere else” instances that luck is used. If we’re not talking about mibs, treasure hunting, or loot. 

    He was being so nice answering, I didn't wanna throw that one back at him. Unless luck works in crafting or something, I never knew.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited May 2018
    UO wiki reads:

    Luck will affect the following systems,
    • Treasure Chest Loot
    • Monster Loot
    Mervyn: the plot thickens. I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that blackthorn minax arti drops are affected by luck. So the uo wiki is missing potentially both mibs and blackthorn drops if true.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Mining niter deposits for saltpeter.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Hehe, I was going to say the same thing earlier, but didn't bother.

    I actually seem to get worse loot with higher luck + the luck statue.

    If I didn't know better I'd blame the RNG, but it seems consistent enough to say that's not the problem.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Off the top of my head...mining niter, any of the "Treasures of..." events like Halloween and Blackthorns, Shadowguard, and other various quests like the Wreck of the Ararat.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Well shadowguard is only in trammel, as is Ararat, as is treasures of tokuno. 

    This bonus seems overly complex, it begs the question, why not just give a 1000 luck bonus and then add that to the character status? 

    Rather than having this bizarre exception for niter mining and blackthorn drops.. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Yeah the topic was Luck in Felucca..weird answer, but hey, at least he answered !!
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Yeah the topic was Luck in Felucca..weird answer, but hey, at least he answered !!
    I mine for Niter in Fel caves and luck makes a Gigantic difference.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    In how often you hit niter or the amount you get ? I don't dig for it often on Siege, but when I do its almost always a gigantic node and I'm not stupid enough to mine on Siege with a good luck suit.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    The size of the Niter. Thats why I said Gigantic. If I mine in Ilsh without the luck I get small and large.  If you get gigantic you have more than 0 luck.

    I can not verify "often" because some of the Ilsh deposits do not show up on the screen and I miss the words at the bottom. You have to use cntr shift to see them.

    That is the only thing I have used a luck suit for.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    So size do mater?  >:)

    (sorry couldn't resist)
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    Loot is obviously better in Fel for me. And the higher the luck, the better the loot.
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
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