Chicken Coops and Character Transfer, what happened??
So I have a bunch of chicken coops on my roof, I transferred the character I tend them on and when I transferred back I can no longer access them.
I tried with every character on that account and none of them can access the chicken lizards, is there any way to fix that? 

GM River told me to stop transferring with my main tamer because he has coops. He said there are only a few left that can fix them.
They have to remove each one and give them them to the new you. The generic GM will not do it in case you are trying to be a scammer and they were not yours to begin with. Sucks that that all UO decisions are based on scammers and cheaters activities.
Good Luck
Moral of the story, do not transfer with toons that have coops. You can put them in your stable instead and transfer. I'm not sure if you could transfer with them in your bankbox. I wont be trying to test that.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.