This Is How You Do It

If you are truly disgruntled about the state of UO, take action!

1. Create a post on this forum that asks others to join you in your fight against Bugs, Bots & Exploiters.
2. Ask your confidants to write letters detailing your grievances and mail it (no email) to BS leadership, then wait for a response.
3. If they respond to your liking then go no further, if not go to 4.
4. Ask your confidants to write letters detailing your grievances and mail it (no email) to EA leadership, then wait for a response.
5. If they respond to your liking then go no further, if not go to 6.
6. Ask your confidants to write letters detailing your grievances and mail it EA Investor Relations and ask them to forward the letter to EA's Board of Directors, then wait for a response.
7. If they respond to your liking then go no further, if not go to 8.
8. Cancel your account.

Be careful what you wish for because EA can just as easily say this cash cow is a dog and it's time to close the servers.


  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Don’t think the situation is quite that dire yet.  Lots of stuff you can complain about no doubt about that.  But know several returning players that were pretty average for returning players when they started that really applied themselves to learning the game and they can now handle pretty much anything the game throws at them and they enjoy playing it.  You are right to say be careful what you wish for.  I don’t play on Atlantic so I don’t know what it’s like to play there.  But I am not ready to quit yet.  Have discovered though this is a team oriented game. It is not designed for solo play although that is possible.
  • SaulGoodman1SaulGoodman1 Posts: 285
    Rocko said:
    If you are truly disgruntled about the state of UO, take action!

    1. Create a post on this forum that asks others to join you in your fight against Bugs, Bots & Exploiters.
    2. Ask your confidants to write letters detailing your grievances and mail it (no email) to BS leadership, then wait for a response.
    3. If they respond to your liking then go no further, if not go to 4.
    4. Ask your confidants to write letters detailing your grievances and mail it (no email) to EA leadership, then wait for a response.
    5. If they respond to your liking then go no further, if not go to 6.
    6. Ask your confidants to write letters detailing your grievances and mail it EA Investor Relations and ask them to forward the letter to EA's Board of Directors, then wait for a response.
    7. If they respond to your liking then go no further, if not go to 8.
    8. Cancel your account.

    Be careful what you wish for because EA can just as easily say this cash cow is a dog and it's time to close the servers.

    oh no, its not likes there a billion other ultima on lines to play.
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    Arnold7 said:
    Don’t think the situation is quite that dire yet.  Lots of stuff you can complain about no doubt about that.  But know several returning players that were pretty average for returning players when they started that really applied themselves to learning the game and they can now handle pretty much anything the game throws at them and they enjoy playing it.  You are right to say be careful what you wish for.  I don’t play on Atlantic so I don’t know what it’s like to play there.  But I am not ready to quit yet.  Have discovered though this is a team oriented game. It is not designed for solo play although that is possible.
    I am not suggesting this as a course of action for myself.  There are quite a few complainers.  If these complainers are really serious about their complaints then there is the road map for them.

    I do not expect the complainers to take any action other than continue to complain.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Yup if it requires work on their part, they choose not to do it and keep complaining.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SaulGoodman1SaulGoodman1 Posts: 285
    Can you guys stop complaining k, ty
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    Can you guys stop complaining k, ty
    Thank you for making my point.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited July 2023
    Road mop 2023

    1) NLS
    2) Best Castle Design or;
    2) Best Complaint Letter Award
    - Last item-

    Start posting to get votes!

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    The devs are probably way overwhelmed with an ever-growing list of bugs,  NL (if it's even real)  rampant cheating, content that's made worthless in less than a month due to script automation by some of the third-party clients (and other programs) actively being used.    so many obsolete content rewards, due to power-creep over the years.

     and of course   Parry, Casting Focus, Poison Immunity & Armor Refinements should all either be reduced in effectiveness, removed, or at least changed to have no effect on PvP.

    New content is always something people want,  I'm sure many of us would also be happy with old content being revamped with some new mechanics & obviously new rewards.  -just don't repeat the mistake of Trammel Despise, where the only thing you can do in the entire dungeon is fight the boss.  Three levels of dungeon dedicated one encounter, there's a lot of wasted space in Trammel Despise.  -the wisp vendor outside only sells antique items, and it's rare to see anyhting higher than 'lesser artifact' quality ever since the Global Loot publish...

    There's plenty of work to be done, it just needs to be started on.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

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