Huntmaster Winners
in Catskills
Really impressed Catskills we had a great turn in, so with extra Donation we are giving out extra winnings so be sure to contact me if your name is on this following list:
1st place = Capt Tessiegs and White Lotus
2nd place - Kaos McCain and Dru
3rd place - Leyman and Lynsky
Polar Bear
1st place - Aeryn Sune
Consolation prizes to the two who tied *both received the amount of 2nd place
White Lotus
2nd place - Cpt Tessiegs
Consolation prize to
Odd Job
3rd place - Adrian Monk
Consolation prize
If the following people can contact me I will give you 1 mil gold for your hunting permits , thank you so much for ebtering
Pete , Dedman Walking , Baldrick , Dillybar , Sashynal
All Permits are on display inside a blue box at Perrins Vender house on the side by the auction safe and set so anyone can open it and view the permits. They will be there on display until Friday at 7 pm est, at that time meet at Perrins Vender House to receive your permits back.
1st place = Capt Tessiegs and White Lotus
2nd place - Kaos McCain and Dru
3rd place - Leyman and Lynsky
Polar Bear
1st place - Aeryn Sune
Consolation prizes to the two who tied *both received the amount of 2nd place
White Lotus
2nd place - Cpt Tessiegs
Consolation prize to
Odd Job
3rd place - Adrian Monk
Consolation prize
If the following people can contact me I will give you 1 mil gold for your hunting permits , thank you so much for ebtering
Pete , Dedman Walking , Baldrick , Dillybar , Sashynal
All Permits are on display inside a blue box at Perrins Vender house on the side by the auction safe and set so anyone can open it and view the permits. They will be there on display until Friday at 7 pm est, at that time meet at Perrins Vender House to receive your permits back.

Jaden Rain