An Establishments Community
in Catskills
I would like to post some screen shots of our player village located in the Fens of The Dead / Paws Area of Trinsic Swamp, think of us like Glenda the good Witch from the Wizard of Oz, haha Now I been told I am the bad witch but I think that's debatable. The first is Phoebes Bon Fire where we do Tavern Nights the second is the Hub of the Village with Teleporters to Perrins Luna house inside Luna walls North East inside corner
....Surrounding these two and scattered around the swamps are more buildings owned by the Fens members 17 in total I would post all screen shots but some are being remodeled or built and adding photos to this forum isn't easy so possible check stratics for more photo. Please come take a tour and while you are here wander over to the Old Olypus Village next door to see some of the best builds in the game several still stand and the Emerald Fist is not far away

Jaden Rain